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Campus Cats catwalk

Last year the University of Groningen brought together an exhibition of feline photography, inviting others across the world to submit pictures of their campus cats. This year Warwick is continuing the story. We’re displaying photographs from the exhibition around campus so you have a great reason to go for a walk. Here is where the campus cats are hiding:

Campus map indicating exhibition locations

Campus Cats exhibition
      1. University House Learning Grid
      2. Library Floor 1
      3. Research Exchange - Floor 3
      4. Humanities foyer
      5. Modern Records Centre
      6. Postgraduate Hub
      7. Oculus foyer
      8. Rootes Learning Grid


    You can use the interactive campus map to help you find your way.

    Continue the catwalk...

    Image of RolfIf you have you have time for a longer break, visit the stops 9-14 to learn about Rolf’s favourite places, and different ways to improve your wellbeing.

        1. Footpath to Gibbet Hill: A brisk walk does good to both cats and humans. Physical activity is the best way to improve your mood quickly.
        1. Squirrel Central (behind the Senate House): Catch up with a friend you haven’t seen in a while or call a family member.
        1. Duckville (the area in front of Computer Science lake): We’re happier when living in present, rather than worrying about the past or the future. Take a moment to notice five things you can see, hear or feel.
        1. Rabbit Junction (the grassy area behind the Physics): Our brains love learning – try a new activity or learn a new word today.
        1. Mouse Corner (the grassy area just in Scarman): Helping others helps us too; see if you can help someone close or join Warwick Volunteers to make a difference in the local community.
        1. Gooseland (area near Lakeside): Self-care is a journey we need to set out on every day. Take one step, and then another, and then a few more…