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Disability categories and encouraging disclosures

To help us to get things right for all members of the Warwick community, we’ve updated our disability equality monitoring questions to enable you to share any disability information with us more easily.

By doing this, you are helping further our commitment to inclusion and diversity by making sure we are aware of any disability related support requirements and can ensure our policies and procedures work in practice - making the University a welcoming and safe community for everyone, where we are all treated with respect.

Background: what we’ve done and why

In consultation with our disabled community, we reviewed and updated our disability equality monitoring questions to create a more positive language around disability. Chris Ennew (Provost and Chair of Disability Standard Steering Group) commented:

The phrasing of our disability monitoring questions is based on the categories used by HESA, because we have to report this information to them annually, but we feel that much of the terminology used is now outdated. We’ve worked in consultation with staff and students to develop new wording, which better reflects the positive, social model of disability approach taken by the University, whilst also allowing us to map the categories to the HESA reporting criteria so we can meet our legal obligation”.


We appreciate that some students may feel that they do not need additional support, but it is still important to let the University know of a disability to ensure that information about support is provided to you in advance and that appropriate support can be put in place, should you need it at some point during your studies. This will also enable us to ensure we raise awareness amongst our community of different disabilities and how they may impact on someone.

You can disclose a disability by contacting the Disability Team at any time during your studies. The University is committed to a climate of positive disclosure and we encourage all students to engage with the Disability Team in Wellbeing Support Services at an early stage.