Hear from SU Democracy and Development Officer, Sasha King-Smith

SU Autumn Elections: hear from your SU Democracy and Development Officer, Sasha King-Smith
Remember to have your say, and make your vote before the polls close 12pm noon on 11 October.
Voting is a great chance to shape the SU. There are 3 Part-Time Officer (PTO) roles up for election! These are the International Students officer (EU); International Students officer (non-EU), and the Mature Students officer.
These PTOs will run campaigns and ensure their respective groups are represented in the SU. So, if you are from any of these groups, make sure you take the opportunity to have your voice heard!
There is also the chance to vote for candidates for all our forums. These will be the people who approve funding bids; approve new club and society applications; oversee the overall SU policy, amongst many other things! Vote now