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Support in term 3

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Exams and revision can be tough going, but there are many ways you can get support and stay relaxed this term.

Stress is a normal healthy response to meeting the demands of a task, and anxiety can help us survive stressful situations by speeding up our thought processes and helping us focus. However, stress and anxiety can also build up over time and become overwhelming.

Here are some ideas to help increase your productivity and look after your wellbeing during this time:
  • Plan in advance - make to do lists and a timetable. It's not just for staying organised: you can keep an eye on your progress and celebrate what you've achieved.
  • Break tasks down - Revise in small, realistic and manageable chunks - have a list of tasks such as 'read 1 chapter and make note of key learning points'.
  • Be self-aware: If you find that you're not sticking to your goals or deadlines, use it as an opportunity to review what can be different. And remember: thinking you've left it too late can be a barrier to getting started, but even five minutes of work is five minutes more than nothing.
  • Talk to someone! Lots of people find exams and revision a struggle. Talk to your friends and coursemates and to your department if you have concerns. And if your mental health is worrying you, the mental health and wellbeing team are there for you.
  • Get up and active. Join in with the wellbeing walks, rock up and play a team sport, or check out what else you can do to excercise at Warwick Sport.
  • Take regular breaks and schedule activities - Get involved in the activities listed here, see what's on at the Arts Centre or the SU.
  • Make time for your mental wellbeing -  The Counselling Service has a number of workshops designed to help with the pressures of Term 3 and they are open to all.
  • Stop working: Set a time to stop working and stick to it.
  • Food is fuel: Consider if the food you eat is helping to maintain your energy levels throughout the day. If you're on campus and bringing your own food, don't forget there are microwaves on campus where you can heat it up. Try not to drink caffeine (Cola, energy drinks, coffee, tea) after 16.00 if you're trying to get a good night's sleep.
  • Don't forget, if you need support, ask for help! The Mental Health and Wellbeing team, Residential Life Teams, the Counselling Service, SU Advice Centre, Nightline, the Health Centre, Personal Tutors and Chaplaincy are all there for you.

What's on?

  • Wellbeing support (throughout Term 3): The Mental Health & Wellbeing team host a series of wellbeing sessions and events designed to help you understand and address issues impacting your wellbeing, such as stress and anxiety.
  • Mindfulness (April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13, 20): Learn some practical mindfulness exercises to help you feel calm and in control.
  • Exam revision workshops (24 April, 4 & 8 May) These workshops will explore revision strategies and help you to manage your time. There's also an 'Managing exam anxiety' podcast to listen to.
  • Creative Chillout (27 April & 18 May) The Library and Warwick Arts Centre join forces to bring more creativity into your term.
  • Pets as Therapy dogs (3 & 14 May, booking required) - Come and pat your stress away!
  • Wellbeing Walks (Tuesdays & Thursdays) - Take a 30 minute stroll around campus to boost productivity, and increase your mental and physical wellbeing.


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