Confirming your details for use in preparing a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
I have not had an email yet
If you have not yet received a personal email asking you to complete this form, please DO NOT proceed.
I have had an email
Refer to the email sent to you by the Undergraduate Admissions Team called "REQUIRES ACTION: Confirming your details for use in preparing your CAS"
Please select one of the options below:
Option 1) I require a CAS
Please choose this option to amend or confirm your details and request a CAS.
Option 2) I do not require a CAS
By selecting this option you will be advising us that you have the correct permissions to enrol on your chosen programme of study. This page contains links to a number of relevant pages so that you may carry out a self-assessment on the suitability of your immigration permissions.
Please note that if you currently hold a Warwick Tier 4 or Student Visa relating to a previous course, you will need to obtain a new CAS and a Warwick Student Visa before you will be permitted to enrol on the new course.