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What have we updated?

About this page

We will always update this page when we make significant changes to our course content. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.

If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at

24th September 2021

We have updated our 'Modules' tab and removed the following 'Important Information' box following University approval.

Important information

We are making some minor changes to the third year of all our Life Sciences courses. These changes to some core and optional modules are currently undergoing approval through the University’s rigorous academic process. As modules are confirmed, they will be included in the module list on this webpage. It is therefore very important that you check this webpage for the latest information before you apply and prior to accepting an offer.

29th April 2021

We have updated the course summary at the top of the course page.

Previous content:

Life Sciences provides a wide range of biology-focused degree courses. Advances in new technologies, including genomics and integrative biology, have made this varied discipline more exciting than ever. We teach and research the processes of life from the molecular, right through to whole animal and the environment, to understand the cellular, molecular and physiological interactions that are fundamental to biology and medicine.

This course is accredited by the Royal Society of Biology (RSB).

Revised content:

Biological Sciences is the study of biology in its broadest sense – from the smallest molecules to large populations. Of the four degree courses taught by the School of Life Sciences, this is our widest ranging and most flexible degree in terms of module choice. You will study the molecules and cells that are the basis of life, through to biology of organisms (animals, plants, bacteria and viruses) and populations (evolution, epidemiology of disease, ecosystems).

This course is accredited by the Royal Society of Biology (RSB)Link opens in a new window.

Initial launch

This page was launched on 2nd March 2021.