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Classics and English BA (QQ36)

Explore our Classics and English degree at Warwick


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Bachelor of Arts (BA)


3 years full-time


26 September 2022


Classics and Ancient History


University of Warwick


Our Classics and English (BA) degree will enable you to study classical antiquity (its literature, art, material culture and thought) together with its reception in English literature through the Western tradition.


If you have an interest in both Classics and English, and have studied either Latin or Ancient Greek to A level (or equivalent), this course will enable you to study classical antiquity (its literature, art, material culture and thought) together with its reception in English literature through the Western tradition.

We are one of only a few universities in the UK to offer a combined degree that treats the two subjects as a continuum.

The course examines the multiple and ever-evolving interactions between the artistic production of classical antiquity and English literature, from Shakespeare to contemporary poets, novelists and dramatists.

You will study a range of modules each year. In the first and second years your modules are equally split between English and Classics, and include study of Latin or Greek texts in the original, while in your final year you can choose to weight your modules more towards Classics or English, to pursue areas of particular academic interest.


All our degrees involve core modules in your first year. In subsequent years, you build on what you have learnt through a choice of modules, which allow you to engage in your own way with the two inter-related fields of study.

In your first year you study Classics modules in Latin or Greek and two modules exploring ancient culture and society, thought and literature, alongside two English core modules (currently Modes of Reading, and either Epic into Novel, or Medieval and Early Modern Literature).

In your second and third years you may choose from a range of optional modules from either department, with flexibility increasing in your third year, when you will also write a dissertation on a topic of your choice, supervised by a member of either Department.


You will study both Classics and English in a variety of ways - through lectures, seminars, and language classes, and, in your final year, through a dissertation on a topic of your own choice, with guidance from your departmental supervisor.


Class sizes vary from 6 to 80. Honours modules are capped at 60. For English modules, seminar class sizes vary from 10 to 15 while Classics texts classes can range from 2-10 students.


You will take four modules or the equivalent in credits, each with 2 to 3 contact hours per week, and more for your language modules.


You will take four modules each year (or the equivalent in credits), the assessment of which is generally equally divided between essays submitted during the year and exams in the summer (100% exam for language modules).

Your second and third years contribute equally to your final degree classification.


Study abroad

You will have the opportunity to spend your third year at one of our partner institutions in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia or China. You will then return to Warwick to complete your fourth and final year of your degree.

You will be able to apply to transfer to the four-year course at the end of your second year at Warwick, as long as you maintain a 2:i average, and subject to availability of places from the University's International Office.

The Study Abroad team offers support for these activities, and the Department's dedicated Study Abroad Co-ordinator can provide more specific information and assistance.

Find out more about:


A level typical offer

AAB including Grade A in Latin or Ancient Greek and Grade A in English Literature or English Language and Literature (combined).

A level additional information

You also need a grade C or grade 4 in GCSE Mathematics (or equivalent).

A level contextual offer

We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is ABB including an A in Latin or Greek and B in English Literature or English Language and Literature (combined). See if you're eligible.

General GCSE requirements

Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.


IB typical offer

36 to include 6 in Higher Level Latin or Ancient Greek, and a 6 in Higher Level English Literature or English Language-Literature (combined).

IB additional information

You also need a grade C or grade 4 in GCSE Mathematics (or equivalent).

IB contextual offer

We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is 34 including 6,6 in Higher Level Latin or Greek and English Literature or English Language and Literature (combined). See if you're eligible.

General GCSE requirements

Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.


We welcome applications from students taking BTECs alongside A level Latin or Ancient Greek and A level English Literature or English Language-Literature (combined).


Year One

Roman Culture and Society

This module explores what was distinctively ‘Roman’ about Roman culture and society, both in Rome itself and throughout its empire, from Britain to Bulgaria, and from the Nile to the Euphrates. The module introduces students of all backgrounds to topics from the late first century BC to the early third century AD, investigating the impact on Roman society of the emergence of sole rulers and dynastic powers, and the gradual opening up of society to provincials. It considers a range of evidence, from poetry to graffiti, monuments to religious artefacts, and is designed to provide a framework within which you can develop your own individual interests in the second and third years.


Greek Culture and Society

This module introduces students of all backgrounds to the vast panorama of Greek culture, from Homeric times to the coming of Rome. It explores some of the most distinctive features of Greek culture and its social institutions, from the polis, festivals and religion, to mythology, sport and the performance of poetry, while encouraging students to consider the degrees of continuity and difference between ancient Greek culture and their own beliefs and practices. The module is designed to provide a framework within which you can develop your own individual interests in the second and third years.

Greek Literary Texts

The purpose of this module is to build upon A Level Ancient Greek and allow you to both broaden and deepen your understanding of Greek by further reading of significant works in genres that, for the most part, you will have not previously studied. As well as developing your ability to translate from Greek, the module also includes discussion of literary and grammatical points.


Latin Literary Texts

This module builds upon A level Latin, and allows you to develop your understanding of Latin by further reading of significant works by authors and in genres which, for the most part, you will not have previously studied. As well as developing your ability to read Latin more fluently and to translate from Latin, the module also teaches you advanced grammar, and offers an ambitious introduction to literary criticism and philological analysis at degree level.

Two optional modules from Classics, chosen from the following:

  • Introduction to Greek Culture and Society or
  • Introduction to Roman Culture and Society or
  • Ancient Thought: Philosophy, Politics, Science
  • Encounters with Greek Texts or
  • Encounters with Latin Texts

Modes of Reading

What is a reader? How is our understanding and perception of a text formed? What does it mean to think critically when we read? This module allows you to explore these questions by putting a spotlight on the question of critical thinking in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. By studying a series of literary texts in relation to some of the most influential literary and cultural theorists of the last hundred years, you will take your own position on everything from Marxism, queer and feminist theory to ecocriticism and postcolonial critique.

Epic into Novel

Tracking the transition from the epics of the ancient world to the novels of modernity, this module introduces you to some of the most influential and formative works of world literature. You will study central texts of the classical world, such as Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid; the ancient Indian epic The Mahābhārata; Milton’s Paradise Lost; as well as novels like Henry Fielding’s bawdy comedy Tom Jones and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o’s novel of decolonising Kenya, A Grain of Wheat. Reading across history and cultures, between languages and genres, you will develop the skills to analyse narrative, character, and style.


Medieval and Early Modern Literature

Taking you from the mythical court of King Arthur to the real world of ambition, intrigue, and danger in the courts of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, this module introduces you to early literature written in a range of genres (romance, epic, fabliau) and poetic forms. You will study texts like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Thomas More’s Utopia, Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, and Shakespeare’s sonnets to explore some of the period’s highest ideals—‘trawthe’ or integrity—as well as some of humanity’s darkest impulses: greed, deception, revenge, and desire.

Year Two

Optional modules from either the Classics or English department.

Year Three

Dissertation (supervised by either the Classics or English Department).

  • English Literature and Feminisms 1790-1899
  • The Vulnerable Body in Roman Literature and Thought
  • The Question of the Animal
  • Politics and Poetics in Greek and Latin Literature
  • Romantic and Victorian Poetry
  • Africa and the Making of Classical Literature
  • Space and Place in Ancient Greek Literature
  • Devolutionary British Fiction
  • Democracy and Imperialism
  • The Roman Empire from Tiberius to Hadrian
  • Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies
Find out more about fees and funding.
There may be costs associated with other items or services such as academic texts, course notes, and trips associated with your course. Students who choose to complete a work placement or study abroad will pay reduced tuition fees for their third year.