What have we updated?
About this page
We will always update this page when we make significant changes to our course content. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.
If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at webeditor@warwick.ac.uk.
7th September 2021
We updated the module description for the following module:
Theatre and Performance in Context
This module introduces key concepts in theatre and performance studies, uncovering what theatre and performance can tell us about our cultures, societies and identities. These understandings are applied to case studies from around the world, which include ‘canonical’ events and alternative practices, both from within theatres and beyond them. The module hones your academic writing, research and presentation skills, which will serve you throughout your degree.
Revised content
This module considers what theatre and performance can tell us about our histories, cultures, societies and identities. You’ll watch, read and study a range of theatre and performance from across historical, cultural and geographical borders, in order to see how it not only reflects society, but also seeks to change and shape it. The module is split into four blocks, considering theatre and gender, race, sexuality and class. This module will help you to hone your academic writing, research and presentation skills, which will serve you throughout your degree.
14th April 2021
We amended an error to our A level requirements under our 'General Entry requirements' tab.
Original content:
AAA or A*AB to include grade A in English Literature and English Language and Literature (combined)
Amended content:
AAA or A*AB to include grade A in English Literature or English Language and Literature (combined)
9th March 2021
Change to staff list: We have changed a line in our Department description to remove reference to Michael Hulse.
Original content:
Our teaching staff of novelists, poets, non-fiction writers, screenwriters and literary translators includes Ian Sansom, Lucy Brydon, A.L. Kennedy, Tim Leach, Michael Hulse, David Vann, Maureen Freely, Gonzalo C. Garcia, David Morley and Chantal Wright.
Amended content:
Our teaching staff of novelists, poets, non-fiction writers, screenwriters and literary translators includes Ian Sansom, Lucy Brydon, A.L. Kennedy, Tim Leach, David Vann, Maureen Freely, Gonzalo C. Garcia, David Morley and Chantal Wright.
Initial launch
This page was launched on 2nd March 2021.