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3 September 2022

On the 'Modules' tab we have removed a core module descriptions:

Aspects of German Culture in the Age of Enlightenment

Starting with the study of the social milieu of late 18th century Germany, you will consider the cultural and intellectual changes of this period, and in particular the rise of the middle classes in the Age of Enlightenment. You will engage with the work of the globally significant writers of this period, including Goethe and Schiller, and study the light they cast on the emerging middle-class consciousness just prior to the cataclysmic changes of the French Revolution of 1789.

And renamed: Power and Passion: The Making of Modern German Culture

We have also renamed:

German Culture in the Age of Revolution

You will get to grips with the emerging sense of German nationhood, against the background of the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars. You will study concepts such as the state, the nation and the classical ideal as an aesthetic and political model through the work of authors such as Goethe, Schiller and Hölderlin, before exploring German Romanticism up to its critical reappraisal in the 19th century. You will develop your appreciation of the role of the artists in the German Weltanschauung and the rise of nationalism to broaden your understanding of how literature reflects different models of progress and anticipates social and political change. In your final term, you will study Heinrich Heine’s work in depth, and analyse his contribution to the rise of scepticism and realism.

This has been renamed: Reason, Romantics and Reactions. Germany in the Age of Revolution

You will get to grips with the emerging sense of German nationhood, against the background of the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars. You will study concepts such as the state, the nation and the classical ideal as an aesthetic and political model through the work of authors such as Goethe, Schiller and Hölderlin, before exploring German Romanticism up to its critical reappraisal in the 19th century. You will develop your appreciation of the role of the artists in the German Weltanschauung and the rise of nationalism to broaden your understanding of how literature reflects different models of progress and anticipates social and political change.

And The Writer and Imperial Germany has been renamed: The Rise of Capitalist Modernity: Gender, Class, Identity

Initial launch

This page was launched on 2 March 2021.