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We will always update this page when we make significant changes to our course content. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.

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04 August 2021

On the 'Modules' tab we have restructured the information on the page (moving the optional modules information for all years further down the page).

We have also amended the content on the 'Teaching' tab under the 'Teaching' heading:

Previous content

Teaching is delivered through lectures, seminars and tutorials, web forums, podcasts, workshops, presentations, film analysis, group work and field trips. This is beautifully exemplified by our Venice term, which uses the city--its geography, art and architecture—as essential teaching materials, but our use of surprising and inspiring sources is a feature of all our teaching. For core modules there are usually two lectures and one hour-long seminar per week, and for optional modules one lecture per week plus weekly seminars. Seminar groups are small (normally under 16), providing a valuable opportunity for you to work closely with your lecturers and to learn from other students. Modules focus on important themes in political, religious, cultural or social history and many explore topics far removed from the usual A level syllabus.

Revised content

Teaching is delivered through lectures, seminars and tutorials, web forums, podcasts, workshops, presentations, film analysis, group work and field trips. This is beautifully exemplified by our Venice term, which uses the city - its geography, art and architecture - as essential teaching materials, but our use of surprising and inspiring sources is a feature of all our teaching.

Modules focus on important themes in political, religious, cultural or social history and many explore topics far removed from the usual A level syllabus.

And for 'Class sizes' heading on the 'Teaching' tab:

Previous content

Number of students in a class

Revised content

Seminar groups are small (normally under 16), providing a valuable opportunity for you to work closely with your lecturers and to learn from other students.

Finally, the 'Typical contact hours' heading on the same tab:

Previous content

For first year core modules there are usually two lectures and an hour-long seminar per week, and for optional modules one lecture per week plus weekly or fortnightly seminars.

Revised content

For first year modules there are usually one or two lectures and an hour-long seminar either weekly or fortnightly.

Initial launch

This page was launched on 2nd March 2020.