What have we updated?
About this page
We will always update this page when we make significant changes to our course content. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.
If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at webeditor@warwick.ac.uk.
21st October 2021
We have revised the Core Modules list on the 'Modules' tab to align with the content listed on the other Modern Languages and Cultures course pages.
Previous content for Year One:
- Introduction to Politics
- World Politics
- Modern Italian Language 1 (at beginners, intermediate or advanced level)
- Representations of Modern Italy or Introduction to Italian Culture
Revised content:
- Introduction to Politics
- World Politics
- Modern Italian Language 1 (at beginners, intermediate or advanced level)
- The History of Modern Italy
Year Two:
Previous content:
- Modern Italian Language II
Revised content:
- Modern Italian Language II (post-beginners) or Modern Italian Language III
Year Four:
Previous content:
- Modern Italian Language III
Revised content:
- Modern Italian Language IV
We have also added to the first sentence of our Year Three study abroad information.
Previous content:
Study or work abroad
If you did not spend your second year abroad, you will spend this year studying abroad, or on a work placement. If you spent your second year abroad, you will then follow the syllabus below for your third year.
Revised content:
Study or work abroad
Your third year will normally be spent abroad. If you did not spend your second year abroad, you will spend this year studying abroad, or on a work placement. If you spent your second year abroad, you will then follow the syllabus below for your third year.
24th March 2021
We have updated the class size information on the 'Teaching' tab:
Original content
Our Year One seminars have a maximum of 14 students. Our Year Two and Three seminars have a maximum of 18 students. Lecture sizes vary.Amended content
Our Year One seminars usually have no more than 14 students. Our Year Two and Three seminars usually have no more than 18 students. Lecture sizes vary.
Initial launch
This page was launched on 2nd March 2020.