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What have we updated?

About this page

We will always update this page when we make significant changes to our course content. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.

If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at

3 September 2021

We have removed the following 'important information' box now that the course changes have received University approval:

Important information

We are making some changes to our BA Sociology course for 2022 entry. Core modules are currently undergoing approval through the University's rigorous academic processes. As any changes are confirmed, they will be included in the module list on this webpage. It is therefore very important that you check this webpage for the latest information before you apply and prior to accepting an offer.

We have removed the following core module for Year One:

Race and the Making of the Modern World

And inserted:

Sociology of Race

What is 'race' and why does it matter? This module answers these questions by drawing on the wealth of expertise within Warwick Sociology, and is taught by experts who research and write about race and racism from a range of perspectives. Students will learn about both theoretical concepts and real-world examples that will help them to understand how race and racism shape the social world.

Initial launch

This page was launched on 2nd March 2021.