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What have we updated?


04 August 2021

We have amended the content on the 'Course Overview' tab:

Previous content

All students have the opportunity to apply for an intercalated year abroad at one of our partner universities. The Student Mobility Team based in the Office for Student Opportunity offers support for these activities, and the Department's dedicated Study Abroad Co-ordinator can provide more specific information and assistance.

Revised content
History and Philosophy students have the opportunity to join history students for a term in Venice at the start of year and also to apply for an intercalated year abroad at one of our partner universities. The Student Mobility TeamLink opens in a new window based in the Office for Student Opportunity offers support for these activities, and both Department's dedicated Study Abroad Co-ordinators can provide more specific information and assistance.

We have also updated the content on the 'Teaching' tab under the 'Teaching' heading:

Previous content

Teaching is delivered through lectures, seminars and tutorials, web forums, podcasts, workshops, presentations, film analysis, group work and field trips.

Our use of surprising and inspiring sources is a feature of all our teaching. For core modules there are usually two lectures and one hour-long seminar per week, and for optional modules one lecture per week plus weekly seminars.

Modules focus on important themes in political, religious, cultural or social history and many explore topics far removed from the usual A level syllabus.

Revised content

Teaching is delivered through lectures, seminars and tutorials, web forums, podcasts, workshops, presentations, film analysis, group work and field trips.

Our use of surprising and inspiring sources is a feature of all our teaching.

Modules focus on important themes in political, religious, cultural or social history and most explore topics far removed from the usual A level syllabus.

And for Typical Contact Hours:

Previous content

For each Philosophy module students typically have three hours of contact time per week, divided into two hours of lecture and one hour of seminar. For History core modules in the first year there are usually two lectures and an hour-long seminar per week. Optional modules in first and second years usually have one lecture per week plus weekly seminars. Final year History modules are taught largely through intensive two-hour weekly seminars.

Revised content

For each Philosophy module students typically have three hours of contact time per week, divided into two hours of lecture and one hour of seminar. First year History modules usually have one or two lectures and an hour-long seminar either weekly or fortnightly. Second year modules have one lecture per week plus weekly seminars or two hour workshop sessions. Final year History modules are taught largely through intensive two-hour weekly seminars.

Initial launch

This page was launched on 2nd March 2020.