What have we updated?
About this page
We will update this page when we make significant changes to course information. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.
If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at webeditor@warwick.ac.uk.
23 October 2024
We have updated the co-curricular certificate information for this course in the 'Modules' tab:
Previous content:
In the first year, you can complete certificates in Carbon Literacy, Data Literacy and Professional Communication.
Revised content:
In the first year, you can complete certificates in Climate Literacy and Professional Communication.
We have also revised the study abroad options under 'Study abroad' in the 'Course overview' tab, removing the alternative of Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
10 September 2024
Following University approval, the Mathematics GCSE grade requirement for this course has been reduced from 6/B to 4/C.
We have also amended the IB additional information for this course, removing any references to IB grades:
Previous content:
IB additional information
You will also need grade 6/B in GCSE Mathematics and English Language or IB grade 5 in Higher Level Mathematics and/or English Language or grade 6 in Standard Level Mathematics and/or English Language.
Revised content:
IB additional information
You will also need grade 4/C in GCSE Mathematics and grade 6/B in GCSE English Language or equivalent.