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We will update this page when we make significant changes to course information. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.

If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at webeditor at warwick dot ac dot uk.

17 June 2024

We have fixed an error on this page - the following was previously not included on the 'Modules' tab for Final Year:

And one of the following 15 credit Economics modules:

Macroeconomic Policy in the EU

Read more about Macroeconomic Policy in the EULink opens in a new window, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2022/23 year of study).

International Economics

Read more about International EconomicsLink opens in a new window, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2022/23 year of study).

The International Economy in the Twentieth Century

Read more about The International Economy in the Twentieth CenturyLink opens in a new window, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2022/23 year of study).