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20 September 2024

Updated content

Course overview


Italian and Classics will enable you to focus on both the Classical world and modern Italy. A degree in a modern language with a classical subject offers rich and versatile training that develops advanced skills in critical analysis, communication and creative thinking.

Throughout your degree, you will study Italian language at the appropriate level alongside modules in Italian culture. The Italian side of your degree will extend your understanding of the language, literature, culture, history, society and politics of Italy.

On the Classics side of the degree, you can choose between Latin and Greek in your first year and you can continue these languages in your intermediate and final years too. You will have a wide choice of modules on Greek and Roman culture and you can explore the connections between the Classical world and the civilisations of Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East.

You will normally spend your second or third year abroad, consolidating and enhancing your learning.

Study abroad

The Year Abroad is a distinctive and invaluable part of any degree in Modern Languages, as it enables you to further refine your skills through linguistic and cultural immersion. If you are unable to spend a year abroad, you may transfer to a three-year degree. In such cases, you will be required to complete further language reinforcement work. You will also be encouraged to spend time abroad in other ways, during vacation times.

You will usually spend your year abroad doing one of three things:

  • Working as a language assistant teaching English in a primary or secondary school
  • Studying full-time at a partner university in your chosen country
  • Completing a work placement

Most students going to Italy opt for an exchange at a partner university. Some are successful in obtaining a (highly competitive) language assistantship. Most students apply through the British Council's English Language Assistant scheme during the first term of their second year at Warwick.

The year abroad options are flexible. Find out more about flexible Year Abroad options.


Italian and Classics will enable you to focus on both the Classical world and modern Italy. A degree in a modern language with a classical subject offers rich and versatile training that develops advanced skills in critical analysis, communication and creative thinking.

Throughout your degree, you will study Italian language at the appropriate level alongside modules in Italian culture. The Italian side of your degree will extend your understanding of the language, literature, culture, history, society and politics of Italy. On the Classics side of the degree, you can choose between Latin and Greek in your first year and you can continue these languages in your intermediate and final years too. You will have a wide choice of modules on Greek and Roman cultures, and you can explore the connections between the Classical world and the civilisations of Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East.

Your second or third year is normally spent abroad, either as a language assistant, working, or studying at one of our partner universities. This is an invaluable opportunity to immerse yourself in the linguistic and cultural contexts where Italian is spoken, enhance your language skills and build international connections.

You will have access to outstanding facilities and resources. This includes flexible collaborative and individual learning spaces, as well as a vast selection of print, digital and multimedia learning materials.

You will finish your degree as a proficient, internationally mobile linguist with a deep understanding of key issues and developments in Italy’s past and present, and an advanced knowledge of Italian and Classical cultures.

Study abroad

Study abroad

The Year Abroad is a distinctive and invaluable part of any degree in Modern Languages, as it enables you to further refine your skills through linguistic and cultural immersion. If you are unable to spend a year abroad, you may transfer to a three-year degree. In such cases, you will be required to complete further language reinforcement work. You will also be encouraged to spend time abroad in other ways, during vacation times.

You will usually spend your year abroad doing one of three things:

  • Working as a language assistant teaching English in a primary or secondary school
  • Studying full-time at a partner university in your chosen country
  • Completing a work placement

Most students going to Italy opt for an exchange at a partner university. Some are successful in obtaining a (highly competitive) language assistantship. Most students apply through the British Council's English Language Assistant scheme during the first term of their second year at Warwick.

The year abroad options are flexible. Find out more about flexible Year Abroad options.