Planning a successful visit
Advance planning plays an important part in you having a really successful day at Warwick. To get the most out of your visit there are a few things you should consider before you arrive. Follow these guidelines - and have a great day!
Book Your Place!
Booking will open 4-6 weeks prior to the event. Complete the online booking form to confirm details of sessions that you are interested in. An Open Day programme will be available online to view, download and print, to help you make the most of your visit to Warwick.
Explore Your Interests
Have a look at the Online Undergraduate Prospectus to find out information on various aspects of life at Warwick, and about the course(s) of interest to you. This will allow you to think about your options, as well as any questions you may wish to ask yourself and/or others on the day. These may include:
- What subjects interest me?
- Is there a particular job that I want when I graduate? What course would help me get there?
- Do I want a year in industry or the chance to have a year abroad?
- Do I want to take a gap year?
- Can I continue my leisure interests at university?
- Will I need to work while I'm at university?
- What scholarship and bursaries are on offer?
- Is Warwick right for me?
Plan Your Journey
Remember - we're just south of Coventry, not Warwick! A map of the local area and the Warwick campus is included in the Open Day Programme which will be available online nearer to the date of the event. Alternatively, travel directions can be found online.
Location, Location, Location
If you are coming to the Open Day, work out in advance which areas of the campus you should go to. Different activities take place on different parts of the campus and not all departments are located on Central Campus.
If you are visiting Life Sciences, you should go to the Gibbet Hill Campus. Warwick Medical School is also located at Gibbet Hill and student helpers will be showing people to the Gibbet Hill Campus at designated times during the day. These guided walks will leave from the Piazza on Central Campus. For all other departments, you should go to the Central Campus.
Whichever part of campus you need there will be Open Day guides in bright yellow sweatshirts ready to help you get where you need to be. Also, your Open Day Programme will contain maps and details of how to get to each area of the Warwick campus.
Do the Virtual Tour First
You can look around the campus before you visit! The Virtual Tour will show you the main buildings and points of interest, and should help you prepare for your actual visit.