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The University of Warwick is keen to share best practices with those that are interested in sustainability. We've put together a short Q&A below to signpost some aspects of sustainability across the University but by no means is this the full picture. Please read the Q&A below and then explore the site to find out more.

Policy and Strategy

Does the University have an environmental sustainability policy?"

The University's Environmental Sustainability policyLink opens in a new window is publicly available on our website. We also have sustainability incorporated into our strategyLink opens in a new window and targetsLink opens in a new window.

Environmental Auditing & Management Systems

How do I know the University is as environmentally conscious as it says it is?"

The University implements BMS (building management systems) across the campus. These are externally verified through the ISO14001Link opens in a new window Accreditation.

We have also carried out comprehensive audits of environmental impacts; more information can be found about those in our most recent Performance ReportLink opens in a new window.

Managing Carbon

Does the University have a publicly available carbon management plan?"

The University's Carbon Management Plan is currently under review.

Within this plan Scope 3 emissions are includes and are reported to HESA through EMR. We have baselines and reduction targets for Scope 3 emissions in waste, water, procurement, as well as all travel and commuting.

The University calculates total carbon emissions related to accommodation (all accommodations are managed in-house).

Our most recent Energy and Carbon Annual ReportLink opens in a new window is publicly available on our website. Read the University's Travel Risk Management Policy here.

Transport and Mobility comprises an integral part of the University's Way to Sustainable.Link opens in a new window We measure our progress by reviewing the percentage change in modes of transport for commuters to campus, increases in the number of staff working in a hybrid fashion and reduced business air miles.

The Choose Your Way WarwickLink opens in a new window partnership programme with Transport for West Midlands promotes sustainable and active travel at the University of Warwick.

Sustainable food

Does the University care about food?"

The University cares about all aspects of sustainability and this includes food, food surplus and food waste. The University Retail and Conferences follow the CCSG Sustainability StrategyLink opens in a new window for food.

The University's catering outlets are certified to Marine Stewardship CouncilsLink opens in a new window standards. Along with this we use local food on menus and provide water in jugs or free water dispensers across the campus and logged on the Refill App from City to Sea CIC.

We also make use of Too Good To Go App from certain outlets and promote Olio. We provide space and/or other support for student/staff-led sustainable food projects, such as the Allotment Society we now have the Westwood Jam Grove and Gibbet Hill Allotment. All catering is supplied from internal sources.

Ethical Investment and Banking

Does the University support the fossil fuel industry?"

The University made an announcement in 2015Link opens in a new window that it would divest from fossil fuels. This was publicised in The GuardianLink opens in a new window.

The University's Socially Responsible Investment PolicyLink opens in a new window has more information regarding our investments which is reported on at a senior level and signed off by the Investment Sub CommitteeLink opens in a new window.

The University broadly discloses its holdings in managed funds in its annual financial statements and provision of a more detailed listing is due for consideration by the University

Investment Sub Committee annually reviews the Socially Responsible Investment Policy and the availability of fossil free index-related funds. This Sub Committee reports to the Finance and General Purposes CommitteeLink opens in a new window which has Students' Union Representation.

The University aims to work with organisations with a similar ethical approach to their activities and our current clearing bank is committed to “act fairly, ethically and openly in all we do”

Ethical careers and recruitment

Staff and Human Resources

How do Warwick Staff contribute towards sustainability?"

Our staff are important members of the University community who contribute greatly towards sustainability and helping us to reduce wastage of resources.

Christine EnnewLink opens in a new window is the Provost for the University supporting the VC in the academic leadership of the University of Warwick. She is also the Executive Board lead for the University's environmental sustainability strategy and its implementation

Supporting the campus wide targets for sustainability we have the Environmental Sustainability Team located in the Estates Office. The University are providing an increasing budget towards both sustainable projects and behaviour change projects. This budget is backed up through the Sustainability Strategy:

'The way to Sustainable is structured around 3 key areas of activity – research, teaching and our sustainable campus. Established funding mechanisms will underpin our research and teaching activities. Developing research activity will be funding through both core research funding and targeted support from research grant capture and philanthropic support. Our teaching initiatives will be supported by income that is generated from student fee income with a course portfolio focused that is oriented towards sustainability able to attract and retain student numbers. Our investment portfolio will continue to be invested responsibly in sustainable ESG accredited funds.
The area of greatest challenge will be in the transformation towards a sustainable campus. Key to funding this transition will be rigorous long-term cost and carbon benefit analysis and developing innovative approaches to future industrial and supply chain partnerships. Behaviour change will be incentivised to reduce carbon emissions, energy use and promote more responsible sustainable activity within our community. Actively supporting regional strategies and attracting external investment, particularly in shifting to more sustainable transport modes and supporting clean air zones.'

Throughout the University we have fantastic staff who make up a team of Green ChampionsLink opens in a new window who promote sustainability in their departments.

Workers Rights

The University is affiliated with Electronics WatchLink opens in a new window through the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC).We are also accredited with Living Wage FoundationLink opens in a new window.

Staff and student engagement

How does the University engage with staff and students?"

The University is a signatory of the SDG Accord. For this we publish an annual SDG ReportLink opens in a new window including many case studies of how staff and students have worked to tackle the UN global goals.

On campus we have an Engagement StrategyLink opens in a new window on some of the key measures we will take to engage staff and students; but we do also undertake far more than this per year.

Since the Climate Emergency announcement in 2019 the University has created the Environmental Sustainability and Social Action Group (ESSAG) which has representation from many areas of the staff and student community. ESSAG manage development and monitoring of the Carbon Management Plan and also the Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Policies.

Students also have representation on all University committees concerned with estates, planning, finance and resource allocation.

Sustainability is a key element of the induction process for our Residential Life Team. We include sustainability as part of staff induction process as well as providing a Student InductionLink opens in a new window (included in enrolment of the University and Accommodation).

The University has a couple of competitions that engage those staying in halls of residence along with student societies that get staff and students alike involved in the sustainability discussion e.g Cut the FlowLink opens in a new window

The Environmental Sustainability Team have worked with the Students Union to set up an Environmental Sustainability FundLink opens in a new window to help fund staff and student-led projects such as RAWKUSLink opens in a new window

The Students’ Union is taking a hard stance on wastage of resources and is working toward continual improvementLink opens in a new window for environmental sustainability, they track and audit their waste and recycling (incl. food) and take part in NUS Green Impact. Students also have representation on ESSAG Link opens in a new windowwhere there is opportunity to input on the University Sustainability Strategy (and all items under the Group's Terms of ReferenceLink opens in a new window).

Over the past few years the Estates team have supported students in various endeavours and events that promote sustainability, including Green Week. We work in collaboration with Warwick Students' Union, Coventry University, Coventry Students' Union, Coventry City Council and Warwick District Council to run Green WeekLink opens in a new window across the region annually.

We engage trade unions in discussions about sustainability and we aim to meet regularly.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Does the University help to prepare its staff and students for a sustainable future?"

The University has stated its commitment and governance for Education for Sustainable DevelopmentLink opens in a new window and supports and highlights School, Faculty or Research team projects for Education for Sustainable Development. ESD is one of the five pathways set out through our Sustainability Strategy and as we look to our engagement in COP26Link opens in a new window at the end of the year.

The University supports and trains to help all academic staff integrate Education for Sustainable Development into the curriculum along with new research by Estates and IATL into how students might be able to lead on their own education.

The Estates Office and various other departments across the University provide opportunities for Students to use the campus as a Living Lab to conduct research for dissertations and papers for their courses or as part of certificates/modules for degree courses e.g. Certificate for Sustainability through Global Sustainable Development Degree. Projects such as SOS-UK Dissertations for Good and Projects that Matter are also promoted to students.

We do audit research for sustainable development for use in the UI Greenmetrics in which we came 36th of 1,050 Universities in 2022 and are always keen to highlight this research through our marketing.

The University does offer University of Sanctuary scholarships for student seeking asylum or who have temporary leave to remain as the result of any asylum claim without access to SLC, for International Foundation Programme, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate study. It covers full tuition fees and maintenance support, there are details of the exact amounts for foundation and undergraduate and postgraduate on the website.