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180 fellows from across the university and beyond. 92 fellows, 51 Honorary Fellows, 20 Senior Fellows, 12 Regional Fellows, 5 Programme Fellows


Our Fellows are are key to driving the work of the Institute forward. They are staff and students at the University who are passionate about Public Engagement and have experience of doing or supporting engagement work. They work with WIE to improve and promote Public Engagement across the University. Applications for fellowship are reviewed annually. Fellows are appointed for 3 years.

Senior Fellows

Senior Fellowship is awarded by WIE to Fellows who make an outstanding contribution to WIE and Public Engagement at Warwick. They are invited to work closely with us and help shape our vision and strategy. The are appointed for 3 years

Regional Fellows

Our Regional Fellows have been selected from across Coventry and Warwickshire to help us build and strengthen links into the region. We will also benefit from the expertise and knowledge they will feed into the Institute. They are appointed for 3 years or for the time they are in their current role.

Honorary Fellows

Honorary Fellows are staff at the University, appointed by WIE to help champion public engagement and the work of WIE in their circles and networks. Honorary Fellows are appointed indefinitely or for the time they are in their current role.

Alumni Fellows

Our Alumni Fellows are either Fellows who have come to the end of their tenure or those who have flown the nest and gone on to continue their Public and Community Engagement work in other institutions.

Engagement Learning Circles

Learning Circles are our guides to decide what the Institute should do, and how, and the place of engagement at Warwick. They are each made up of a group of Fellows/Institute staff with an interest in a particular topic related to engagement, and are chaired by a Fellow of the Institute.

Fellows from WIE's foundation to now

When we launched the Institute, we originally set out to find 30 Foundation Fellows. We were overjoyed to surpass this due to the number and calibre of the applications we received and therefore appointed almost 100 of the applicants. In 2022 the family grew bigger as we welcomed a further 50 fellows and again in 2023 with a further 23 fellows.

What do Fellows do?

Fellows are asked to support the institute in a number of ways. We recognise people are busy at different times of year and everyone brings different skills, so we have a range of different opportunities available. We normally suggest Fellows contribute to three activities from the following list each year - with the caveat that we understand some of these are more time consuming (e.g. being a Learning Circle chair may be your only commitment), and some people may only work part time so may be able to volunteer for only one or two opportunities.

Benefits of Fellowship

  • Academic colleagues are able to use Fellowship as evidence of their Impact/ Outreach/ Engagement work as part of their promotions application. (Visit the WIE Skills FestivalLink opens in a new window for more information on this)
  • Excellent addition to your CV for student applicants
  • The chance to contribute strategically to Warwick’s vision for Engagement
  • A great networking opportunity to meet colleagues from around the university from a variety of backgrounds

Becoming a Fellow

Our call for new Fellows opens in term 1, aiming to appoint in March. Normally WIE Fellows are appointed for a period of two years, however we're aware most Student Fellows won't be able to serve the full two years and welcome them to join us for whatever is left of their time at Warwick, up to two years.