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Connections: Stu Proudfoot

Stu Proudfoot

BSc Economics, 1996

After three wonderfully fulfilling years at Warwick, I decided not to follow my peers into the banking, insurance or accountancy fields, opting instead to teach English as a foreign language for many happy and interesting years. During this time, I developed a passion for languages, and went on to gain an MA in Applied Linguistics. I recently made my publishing debut with a light-hearted take on how smartphones and channels of communication such as Twitter and Instagram have so dramatically changed the norms of social interaction, as evidenced almost everywhere we care to look.

Illustrated by a very talented sixth-former from the village of Papworth Everard, LOOOOOL! is essentially a gift book for both adults and children. All profits go directly to a humanitarian charity, Hand in Hand for Aid and Development, with whom I’ve been working in tandem to promote the publication. Last year we sent twenty copies to a Syrian refugee camp, where a lesson of sorts was taught around the story and its topic.

Sun 17 Apr 2022, 15:49 | Tags: Connections