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Connections: Anne Stanyon

"Being at Warwick was the best time ever! Before, I’d been a stage designer and illustrator and never dreamed, coming from a working class background, and the depths of darkest Coventry, that I’d ever be accepted into a university. I’d been told, in Sixth Form, that “girls from Secondary Modern Schools don’t go to university”, so getting that acceptance letter changed my whole life!"

Mon 18 Apr 2022, 09:33 | Tags: Connections Faculty of Arts History

Connections: Yemi Adeola

Yemi is a Legal-Tech Intrapreneur and Future Trainee Solicitor at Clifford Chance. He founded a social enterprise called Project Access (PA) Midlands, which fights inequalities in higher education by widening access to top UK universities for untraditional students, through a tech-enabled mentorship platform. He has been identified by Google as a Top Black Talent and by UNDP as an SDG Global Talent.

Sun 17 Apr 2022, 08:27 | Tags: Politics Connections History

World Book Day: Librarian Jane Burke

“World Book Day is about literacy and its place in a modern, equal society.” So believes Jane Burke (BA History, 1975), whose career has fuelled a passion to promote the joy of reading and access to books for all.

Thu 03 Mar 2022, 09:10 | Tags: Faculty of Arts History Alumni profile Undergraduate

Once Warwick, always Warwick

Hear from Warwick alumna and former professional services staff member, Charlotte Beesley (BA History and Sociology, 2014)

Profile - PGT alumnus William Harrop

Hear from recent PGT alumnus William Harrop (MA Global and Comparative History, 2022)

Fri 04 Feb 2022, 09:05 | Tags: Faculty of Arts History Alumni profile Postgraduate

Ruth Adesanya

Warwick Scholar and student, Ruth Adesanya is studying at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, USA.

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