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Palak Singh: Senior Digital Marketing Executive

Palak smiles in a orange, white and black stripy top

Palak Singh

MSc Marketing and Strategy, 2021



Formerly based:


Strangest interview question:

What is your favourite vegetable?

First job:

Marketing Executive in a private equity firm

Wish you knew when applying for roles:

Instead of blasting out applications to hundreds of jobs, it's far more effective to tailor your resume and cover letter to each specific position you're interested in.

Ambitions for the future:

I do see myself excelling in the field of marketing.

Senior Digital Marketing Executive

Describe your current role and what attracted you to it.

Assisting the development and strategising multi-regional healthcare marketing campaigns, ensuring culturally sensitive messaging across diverse languages. Through internships in Malaysia's marketing sector across various industries, I discovered a passion for strategic product promotion. This led me to pursue a my Master’s at Warwick further solidifying my career path into marketing.

What’s your favourite part of the role?

The most enjoyable aspect of my role is the variety of projects I manage. I relish the opportunity to collaborate with international clients, assisting them in developing strategic product launches tailored to their specific markets.

What are the key skills you learnt at Warwick that have helped you with your career to date?

At Warwick, I honed a diverse range of skills that have proven invaluable to my marketing career. These include leadership, project management, and time management, which enable me to effectively lead teams and deliver projects on time and within budget. However, the most impactful skill I developed is interpersonal communication. Through various projects and group work, I learned how to effectively connect with people from diverse backgrounds, actively listen to their perspectives, and manage group dynamics to achieve common goals

What top tips do you have for Warwick graduates who would like to work in your sector?

Leverage your Warwick Experience: Warwick Business School is a world-renowned institution – highlight your degree on your resume and during interviews.

Skills Developed: Reflect on the skills you gained at Warwick beyond your course. Skills like project management, communication, data analysis are all highly valuable.

Warwick Careers Service: Utilise them. They can offer guidance on resume writing, interview preparation, and job search strategies. Additionally, explore alumni networks for potential connections and mentorship opportunities.

Gain Practical Experience: Don't underestimate the power of internships. Look for internships during your studies or after graduation. Gaining real-world experience will be invaluable on your resume. Volunteer for marketing projects with non-profit organisations or startups to build a portfolio and gain practical experience. Also, take initiative and create your own marketing projects. Develop a social media campaign for a local business or manage the website of a club you're involved in.

What does a typical day look like for you?

The truth is there's no single "typical" day for a Digital Marketing Executive. But here’s a breakdown of my usual tasks. Respond to urgent emails and check key metrics from website traffic, social media engagement, or email marketing campaigns. Work on the content calendar, scheduling social media posts and campaigns. Attend team meetings to discuss current projects and brainstorm new ideas. Monitor ongoing campaigns, analyse data, and adjust as needed to optimize performance.

What has been your greatest career challenge to date and how did your experience and skills help overcome it?

The biggest challenge is perhaps prioritisation and collaboration. Juggling multiple projects can be demanding. I believe that prioritising tasks effectively and proactively, and seeking support when needed helps me to progress in my career. Delegation isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strong teamwork and fosters a collaborative work environment. By delegating strategically, I can ensure deadlines are met while maximizing team productivity and achieving the best possible outcome.

What should current students or recent alumni be doing to move their careers forward?

Doing Internships during your degree and in summer is also a good shout.