Richelle Xavier - Junior front end developer (BGC Group)

Richelle Xavier
MPhys (2017-21)
Role: Junior front end developer (BGC Group)
During my physics masters I acquired a range of key transferable skills that have been integral in my post-university path. To name a few, problem-solving, data analysis and report-writing have proved particularly useful when searching for jobs and working in various roles. Since leaving Warwick, I have entered the world of tech as a frontend developer, a passion that started with learning how to code in our various programming modules. My dissertation involved using machine learning methods to analyse and explain particle interactions, which inspired me to further develop my coding skills and explore the technology industry. The optional modules available to us allowed me to delve into areas that really interested me, such as particle physics and astrophysics, with professors who were truly experts in their field. On the whole, the Warwick physics department is a really supportive community of both students and academics. I thoroughly enjoyed my 4 years and am grateful for the opportunity to study physics there as it definitely set me up for a successful future, armed with a degree from a highly respected university and skills that last a lifetime!