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There are a few key decisions you need to make before you can start organising:

  • Audience– Who do you want to invite? Perhaps you want to invite everyone from your year course or maybe from a society or sports teams, or simply everyone who lived in your halls or studied in your department? You may want to think about if you want to invite partners and families or is the event just for alumni? There are lots of options but once you have decided this, it all becomes much more manageable.
  • Event– Next you need to decide what type of event you want to hold. Would you prefer a day of campus tours and lunch, or a chance to visit the Students Union and have dinner in one of your old haunts?
  • Date– Finally do you have a date in mind? Is there a significant date with meaning to you all? Ensure you will be giving yourself enough time to organise and enough notice for those travelling from oversees. The University holds events throughout the year so you may be able to coincide your event with one the University is already holding. The events calendar can be viewed online.