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(This event has been postponed) Taking Action for Climate Emergency - A Panel Discussion

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Location: International Manufacturing Centre (IMC), University of Warwick

*This event has been postponed

Booking is essential so please fill in the online form to book your seat.

Warwick has declared a climate emergency along with other universities and local authorities; change is needed and soon. So how does a University make a difference? What does it mean for us as individuals, as students, as teachers, as researchers, as staff and as a community? What are the big steps that are needed as well as the personal actions we can all take? How can policy shape social trends and tackle the major causes of climate damage?

To explore the issues, Warwick’s Climate Emergency group have organised a Question Time debate in Green Week in partnership with the SU involving Extinction Rebellion, leading researchers and staff. Chaired by University Council Member Adrian Penfold and featuring internal and external speakers, there will be a chance to raise questions and contribute to our collective thinking about how we turn away from the growing crisis and take action.

The full list of speakers/panelists will be published soon.


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