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Anittah's journey of discovery and community

Anittah stands in a red dress before a wall of photographsAnittah Owomugisha (MSc Engineering Business Management, 2023) a Chevening scholar now working as an Electrical Design Engineer at SSE plc, shares her journey, shaped by the supportive Warwick community and the Warwick connections, from faculty to peers, that played a pivotal role in propelling the start of her career.

Do you remember your first day arriving on campus?

My first day on campus was a whirlwind of emotions. Arriving in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic added a layer of complexity to the experience. However, stepping onto campus and meeting fellow students and faculty members filled me with a sense of excitement and anticipation. It was the beginning of a transformative journey that I'll always cherish. I will never forget meeting my fellow students, outside the International Digital Laboratory (IDL) building at WMG and feeling the sense of belonging in a diverse environment.

What was your transition like studying at WMG to working in your current role?

My adventure from WMG to SSE (formerly known as Scottish and Southern Electricity) has been quite the ride! Starting out as a Ugandan student at Warwick, I was filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. However, as I delved into coursework and explored case studies, like the fascinating Octopus Energy, I found myself drawn into the vibrant UK energy industry scene. Now, as a design engineer, I get to be the mastermind behind turning ideas into tangible projects.

You were sponsored by the UK Government Chevening programme. What unique opportunities did this provide?

The Chevening Programme is a fully funded scholarship programme that welcomes international students, regardless of nationality or background. The Chevening scholarship gave me the incredible opportunity to study at a prestigious university like Warwick.

“As a Chevening scholar, I became part of a network of scholars and professionals from diverse backgrounds, spanning different countries and industries. This network provided invaluable support and connections, both during my time at Warwick and beyond.

How have the connections you formed at Warwick contributed to your overall career?

Cathy Fawcett, Postgraduate Recruitment and Marketing Manager, offered guidance and mentorship and fellow students shared their valuable insights and experiences. Each interaction has left a lasting impact. My project supervisor, for instance, helped me to understand how and where my skills would be best applied in the UK energy industry. These connections enriched my personal growth and opened doors to opportunities and collaborations that have been pivotal in advancing my career.

If you could give yourself advice as a student at Warwick, what would it be?Anittah in her graduation robes

I would emphasise the importance of seizing every opportunity and making meaningful connections. I would encourage myself to fully immerse in all that Warwick has to offer, both academically and socially, while also prioritising personal growth and self-discovery.

Warwick holds a special place in my heart because of its vibrant and diverse community. Every day brought new opportunities to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures, developing a sense of adventure and understanding.

Anittah standing outide in front of the WMG squareDo you have any favourite memories of your time at Warwick?

Sitting on the WMG Society Committee board and organising the Summer Ball with my fellow students in 2021. After not having a ball for the last three years, getting buy in and putting so many pieces of the event together was challenging yet rewarding.

Another standout memory was participating in a Thanksgiving event organised by the Warwick Global Community. As someone from Uganda, where Thanksgiving isn't celebrated, sharing a meal with friends from diverse backgrounds, learning about their traditions and trying turkey for the first time was incredibly enriching. It highlighted the sense of inclusivity and cultural exchange that defined my experience at Warwick.