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Christine's Journey in Art, History, and Research

Christine works as a gallery tour guide, librarian, and researcher at Compton Verney Art Gallery, where their research on a 16th-century altarpiece is currently exhibited. Motivated by the discovery and sharing of new knowledge, Christine also gives talks on various historical subjects and volunteers at local museums and archives, drawing inspiration from their enriching experience as a mature student at Warwick.

Why did you choose Warwick?

It had the best course offering history and art with a wide choice of modules.

What are you doing now?

I’m a gallery tour guide, librarian, and researcher at Compton Verney Art Gallery. My research on a 16th century altarpiece by a Franconian Master (influenced by Albrecht Durer) is the subject of a current exhibition in the Northern European Gallery. Articles in The Guardian and Stratford Herald have been very complimentary; many visitors come especially to see this exhibition.

I also give talks on several subjects including Cicely Lucas (a suffragette and brilliant teacher from Warwickshire), the history of Compton Verney, and Fred Hart (a collector from Chipping Campden). I volunteer at Court Barn Museum and Chipping Campden, researching in the archives. I’ve also completed many projects at Warwick Records Office.

What motivates you to do what you do? 

I am fascinated by the discovery of new knowledge, and I am always excited about sharing it with other people.

How has your time at Warwick influenced what you do now? 

Being at Warwick as a mature student led me to a new and exciting world and gave me the chance to learn and satisfy my curiosity.

Favourite memory? 

Going to Venice for a term.

Best thing about the Warwick community?

Friendly, inclusive, brilliant lecturers. The campus is restful and well maintained, like a park. I also enjoyed the theatre, cinema, cafes, and sports facilities.

Favourite place on campus?

The library, and places where our group of friends could meet.

Christine talking on the phone

Christine Cluley

BA History, 1988, and MA Local and Regional History,1998