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From Warwick to Law School

David Curwen (BA History 1985) was inspired during his time at Warwick to pursue a career in Law. He is now devoted to helping people who struggle with legal problems to help make a positive impact on their lives.

Why did you choose Warwick?

I didn't have any university offers, so once I had received my A level grades I started phoning all the universities in England and Wales, starting with Aberystwyth. The first university to offer me an interview for the History course was Warwick. I consequently started my journey there the following week.

What are you doing now?

I am now working in Bristol as a Barrister specialising in Employment Law. I also carry out voluntary advice sessions for the Avon and Bristol Law Centre helping people with employment problems, or who are bringing a claim in the Employment Tribunal but are unable to afford to pay for a solicitor.

What motivates you to do what you do? 

I always wanted to do Law. Employment Law is a particularly interesting area of work because every case is unique with different people, different problems and the law is always changing and developing.

How has your time at Warwick influenced what you do now? 

A key skill I developed while studying at Warwick is being able to read through articles and documents quickly while summarising the relevant parts. This skill has proved to be invaluable both at Law School and when preparing for cases.

Favourite memory? 

Walking over the fields to Kenilworth in May after the exams had finished was very relaxing and took away all the stress.

Favourite place on campus?

The bar in what was then called the Airport Lounge. This was the standard meeting place for me and my friends.

Best thing about the Warwick community?

I know the friendships I made at Warwick will last a lifetime.

David in a suit