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Voices of the Alliance - Lewis Mitchell

This year, we are celebrating 10-years of the Monash Warwick Alliance. As part of our Voices of the Alliance series, History graduate, Lewis Mitchell, shares his experience and highlights of the Alliance.

I studied History at Warwick and also had the opportunity to spend a year of my degree at Monash University. I’m currently working for the governing body of cycling in Wales, Welsh Cycling, as a Digital Communications and Partnership Lead.

There were two main reasons I was attracted to spending a year abroad. The first was academic growth, namely the prospect of further developing my skills and the opportunity to study different modules. Secondly, I’ve always had a fascination with Australia, particularly the culture and lifestyle, so it was the perfect opportunity for me to visit.

Studying abroad at Monash was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The whole experience certainly prepared and focused me for my studies going into my final year. The teaching styles were relatively similar and my timetable was divided nicely, allowing for plenty of time to be spent at the beach, which was only 20 minutes away! The experience strengthened my independence, provided me with broader knowledge and really expanded my horizons. I made some great friends, many of whom I still keep in touch with, and I learnt a lot about myself and the world. I have many highlights from my time in Australia, from spending New Year’s Eve in Sydney to travelling to the Outback to see Uluru (previously known as Ayers Rock). However, my best memory was the month-long, 1,600-mile road trip I took from Sydney to Cairns along the East Coast during the Christmas holidays.

To anyone thinking about taking part, I’d urge you to do so. It’s one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that if you don’t take whilst studying, you may never get the chance again. The Alliance has allowed me to increase my job prospects and become open to the idea of international work. I understand how daunting the idea can seem, travelling halfway around the world to study. However, I promise that you’ll come out the other side wishing to do it all over again. Trust me, I’m already planning to get back there some day. Without the Alliance, I would never have been able to experience quite literally the best year of my life.

Did you do a year abroad at Monash? If you would like to share you story, please email alumni at warwick dot ac dot uk