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Lecture: Freedom or dependency?

Beckford, George, (ed.), Caribbean Economy, Dependence and Backwardness (Kingston, Jamaica, 1975).

Beckford, George, Persistent Poverty: Underdevelopment in Plantation Economies of the Third World (Oxford, 1972).

Benn, Denis, 'The Theory of Plantation Economy and Society: A Methodological Critique' Journal Of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 12 (1974), pp. 249–260.

Best, Lloyd, 'Outlines of a Model of the Pure Plantation Economy', Social and Economic Studies 17 (1968), pp. 283–323.

Bishop, Matthew Louis, The Political Economy of Caribbean Development (Basingstoke, 2013).

Blouet, Olwyn M., The Contemporary Caribbean: History, Life and Culture Since 1945 (London, 2007)

Curtin, Philip D., The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex: Essays in Atlantic History (Cambridge, 1998).

Foote, Nicola (ed), The Caribbean History Reader (New York, NY; London: Routledge, 2013)

Girvan, Norman, 'W.A. Lewis, the Plantation School and Dependency: An Interpretation' Social and Economic Studies, 54 (2005), pp. 198-221.

Henry, Paget, Peripheral capitalism and underdevelopment in Antigua (Oxford, 1985).

Higman, Barry W., A concise history of the Caribbean (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp 251-326.

Hillman, Richard S. and Thomas J. D'Agostino, Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean (London: Eurospan, 2003), pp. 129-147.

Mandle, Jay R., ‘British Caribbean economic history, in Franklin W. Knight and Colin Palmer (eds), The Modern Caribbean (Chapel Hill, 1989), pp. 229-258.

Payne, Anthony and Sutton, Paul (eds), Dependency Under Challenge: The Politcal Economy of the Commonwealth Caribbean (Manchester, 1984).

Potter, Robert B. et al, The Contemporary Caribbean (Harlow, 2004), pp 315-357.

Williams, Eric, Capitalism and Slavery (London, 1968).