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Personal Tutor

Key Documents

Please see below for key documents. Your personal tutor will go through these with you in your first session.

Personal Tutoring ContractLink opens in a new window - outlines what you can expect from your Personal Tutor, and what is expected of you. It also outlines when your Personal Tutor meetings should take place and what you need to do in advance of each one.

Personal Development Plan Link opens in a new window(PDP) - enables you and your tutor to monitor and support your personal and academic progress, identify areas for development and to record agreed actions

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion formLink opens in a new window - outlines unacceptable behaviours and the process on reporting and dealing with inappropriate behaviour.

Meetings with your Personal Tutor

1st years:

You must meet with your Personal Tutors at least 4 times a year.

Meetings marked * also count as official Monitoring PointsLink opens in a new window of Student Progress.

- * At the beginning of Term 1 (weeks 0-1) There will be a joint meeting after your 1st year induction session, where you will discuss the Personal Tutoring Contract, followed by one-one meetings.

- In the middle of Term 1, to check on how you are settling in and discuss any questions you have.

- * At the start of Term 2 (weeks 1-2) 

- * At the start of Term 3 (week 1-2) to discuss module options for next year and review your progress so far. You will need to complete and upload a pdp form ahead of this meeting.

2nd/3rd/4th years:

You must meet with your Personal Tutors at least 3 times a year:

- * At the beginning of Term 1 (weeks 0-2) (and complete a PDP form for this meeting.

- * At the end of Term 2 (weeks 9-10) (and complete a PDP form for this meeting)

- *At the start of Term 3 to discuss module options for next year/career plans

Meetings marked * also count as official Monitoring PointsLink opens in a new window of Student Progress.

Procedures for meeting with your Personal Tutors

Apart from the meeting at beginning of term 1 for 1st years, meetings with Personal Tutors should be scheduled in advance by the student via Tabula.

Instructions for Scheduling a meeting:

- Agree a time for your meeting with your Personal Tutor (e.g. over email or via a sign-up sheet)
- log on to Tabula
- click on 'Student Profiles', then on the 'Personal Tutor' tab
- click 'Schedule meeting'
- add a title (e.g. Spring term review) and the agreed date of the meeting
- for 'Format' click either 'Face-to-face' or 'Video Conference', if holding the meeting over Teams.
- click 'Schedule'

When required to submit a PDP form prior to the meeting please do the following:

- download and complete the Personal Development Form from this webpage (see above).
- save the form onto your computer, giving it an easily identifiable title
- complete the PDP form electronically

Upload your completed PDP form as part of scheduling a meeting on Tabula (see additional step in bold):

- log on to Tabula
- click on 'Student Profiles', then on the 'Personal Tutor' tab
- click 'Schedule meeting'
- add a title (e.g. Spring term review) and the agreed date of the meeting
- for 'Format' click 'Face-to-face' or 'Video Conference'
- click on 'Choose Files' to locate your completed PDP form on your computer
- click 'Schedule'.

Your Personal Tutor will access the submitted form before the meeting (as long as you have uploaded the document at least 24 hours in advance) and consult it during the face-to-face meeting to ensure that the session is used to address any concerns you may have and to focus on the specific needs that you have identified. During or after the meeting your Personal Tutor may add notes to the schedule of your meeting about what was discussed, and any action to be taken. You will subsequently be asked to approve the complete record of the meeting. The form will be stored under your personal profile on Tabula. This will enable us to monitor and advise you on your overall long-term academic and personal progress, as well as to ensure consistency of personal tutoring support if a change of Personal tutor becomes necessary.

Where to go for more guidance:

You can meet with the Classics Department Senior Tutor - Prof Zahra Newby. Email her at For in-person meetings, her office hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but she is happy to have meetings via Teams on other days, too.

You can also find more information on the Dean of Students webpages.