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Tokens and religious diversity in Late Antiquity

British Academy Visiting Fellow Cristian Mondello explores some of the tokens of Late Antiquity in this blog.

Classics and Ancient History win the 2018 University Public Engagement Award!

classics victory photo 2018

Classics and Ancient History has won the 2018 University Award for Public Engagement in recognition of all the efforts and activities of our staff and students.

From the award:

I would like to take the opportunity to celebrate and recognise the Classics department and their response to public engagement and support they offer across the board to encourage everyone to get involved and be aware of public engagement activities and what these activities can do for individual research projects and the wider department. Headed up by Alison Cooley, who is one of the most responsive and aware heads of department I have had the pleasure of working with. It is so important to recognise how supportive the whole Classics department is towards others' successes and projects - this is how they are able to produce things that are so consistently fantastic."

Winds and Antigone's Madness

This month on the Classical Texting Blog, Bianca Mazzinghi Gori discusses the significance of wind in Sophocles' Antigone in 'Winds and Antigone's Madness'.

Expressing Identities in Graeco–Latin Bilingual Inscriptions

This month on Classical Texting, Paloma Perez Galvan discusses bilingualism in her entry 'Expressing Identities in Graeco-Latin Bilingual Inscriptions'.

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