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Classical Texting, "Deep Thinking: The EdStone and Beyond"

Dr David Fearn writes about monumentalisation in ancient and modern thought in "Deep Thinking: The EdStone and Beyond". See here:

New Classical Texting blog

Read Kathryn Thompson's exploration of the meaning of "apotropaic" inscriptions here:

Dr Michael Scott made Honorary Citizen of Delphi

Dr Michael Scott is to be awarded Honorary Citizenship of Delphi, Greece - ΔΕΛΦΟΙ ΔΕΛΦΩΝ ΕΠΟΙΗΣΑΝ - in a ceremony in Athens on Wednesday 25th November. The ceremony will be part of a larger event to kick-start Delphi's campaign to be named the 2021 European Capital City of Culture.

Dr Scott's award is in recognition for his research and publications on Delphi as the omphalos 'the centre of the ancient world, as well as his writing and presenting of a BBC documentary about the history of the site. He will be working with the 2021 team on their campaign in the coming months.

Dionysiac Dolphins: coinage and social identity

dolphin_coin Why strike coinage in the shape of a dolphin? Lucinda Hughes explores in September's coin of the month.

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