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A stater of Stymphalos

Alice Clinch explores the monetary landscape of Stymphalos in December's coin of the month.

Classical Texting, 'Undressing Eteocles: A performative approach to the Labdacids' Curse'

Emmy Stavropolou writes '(Un)dressing Eteocles: A performative approach to the Labdacids' Curse', a discussion of a central scene in Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes.

IAs International Visiting Fellow Basil Dufallo: research seminar and public lecture 28th Feb 2018, 2nd March 2018

28.02 - Research seminar: Oculus 01.02, 4pm

 ‘Queer tales of getting lost in Republican poetry’


2.03 -Public lecture and reception: Oculus 0.03, 6.15pm

 ‘Disorienting Empire: Poetry and Imperial

Expansion in Ancient Rome’


Prof. Dufallo is Associate Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan. He is the author of The Ghosts of the Past: Latin Literature, the Dead, and Rome’s Transition to a Principate (Ohio State University Press, 2007) and The Captor’s Image: Greek Culture in Roman Ecphrasis (Oxford University Press, 2013) and has edited, with Peggy McCracken, Dead Lovers: Erotic Bonds and the Study of Premodern Europe (University of Michigan Press, 2006). Current projects, to be explored during the Warwick Fellowship, include a book - Founding Error: Wandering and Roman Expansion in Republican Latin Poetry - and an edited volume, Roman Error: Classical Reception and the Problem of Rome's Flaws, forthcoming in the Classical Presences series at OUP (February, 2018). These twin volumes investigate the processes of disorientation or getting lost in Roman Republican texts, and consider how these processes express ambivalent attitudes toward Rome’s rapid imperial expansion in the 3rd-1st centuries BCE. 


Fri 03 Nov 2017, 15:56 | Tags: Engagement Impact Postgraduate Research Latin Literature

Two Sides of a Coin: Slavery and Religion in the First Servile War

James Currie discusses the coinage of the slave rebel Eunus, later king, in November's coin of the month.

Wed 01 Nov 2017, 09:15 | Tags: Impact Numismatics Postgraduate Research PGR research

Two Minutes with Dr Michael Scott

Dr Michael Scott, Associate Professor in the department, discusses links between his research and teaching, bringing his work to a wider audience through outreach activities and what's special about Warwick in this recent 'Two minutes with' video created by Warwick Internal Comms. Click here to watch.

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