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New Video on Athenian Tokens

Learn more about the tokens found in the Roman house from the Athenian agora in the new Digital Story created by Mairi Gkikaki. Watch it here.

Martial’s Erotion in the epigraphic landscape

Read Alessandra Tafaro's blog entry on the relationship between Martial and Roman epigraphy here.

Welfare, Disability, and the Athenian Judiciary

Annie Sharples writes about ancient and modern welfare state in her article for Classical Texting.

King Archelaos' Wolf

 archelaos coinMairi Gkikaki explores the coinage of the Macedonian King Archelaos in December's Coin of the Month.

Reunifying the Empire: Aurelian and Sol Invictus

sol_invictus Will Tait explores the associations of the sun god Sol in November's coin of the month.

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