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Dr Michael Scott - Foundation Fellow appointment

Dr Michael Scott has been appointed a Foundation Fellow in the Warwick International Higher Education Academy. More details can be found here:

Bimillenium of Augustus' Death Colloquium

Alison Cooley is presenting a paper, 'The invention of the age of Augustus', in Vienna as part of an international conference focusing upon the death of the emperor Augustus 2000 years ago. 24-26 September 2014.

Dr Michael Scott - new President of Lytham St Annes Classical Association branch

Warwick Classics Assistant Professor Dr Michael Scott is to become President of the newly formed Lytham St Annes branch of the Classical Association, one of the UKs biggest institutions for the promotion of Classics. The branch has been formed by local sixth former Katrina Kelly. At the age of 17, she is the youngest person ever to take the initiative to form a branch of the Classical Association since its inception in 1903.

Live debate on Democracy and Imperialism with Monash University

On 30th April, 2nd and 3rd year students taking the Democracy and Imperialism module engaged in a live debate via the international portal with Monash University Classics students. They debated three topics: the power of women in Athens, the most democratic space in ancient Athens and the most radical Athenian politician. Students worked in groups to prepare presentations, then rebutt arguments and make further points before a vote was taken on each topic. Many thanks to the IGGY team who were there videoing the debate, with the resulting footage to be used in IGGY outreach events, as well as on the Plaza big screen on University Campus

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