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Classics News and Events

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Coin of the Month: The crocodile as a symbol of Egypt on a victory coin of Augustus

Undergraduate student Richa Snell explores the use of the crocodile on an aureus of Augustus in this piece.

Tragedy, the Greeks, and Us - Seminar for launch of new Centre for Research in Post-Kantian European Philosophy

The new Centre will be formally launched on Tuesday 15 October 2019 with a special seminar devoted to Simon Critchley's provocative new publication, The Greeks, Tragedy and Us. Professor Critchley (New School, New York) will talk about his book and reply to responses to it by Andrew Cooper (Philosophy, Warwick) and David Fearn (Classics, Warwick). The seminar will be held in Room S0.11, Social Sciences Building, and will start promptly at 5:30 pm. It will be followed by a Drinks Reception. All Welcome.

Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Victoria Rimell

Professor Victoria Rimell will give her inaugural lecture on Wednesday 9 October at 5.15, Oculus building OC0.04. The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception.

Title: ‘Care of the Other: Classical Literature, Consolation and the Healing Arts’


September coin of the month: Achaean League Coinage and Collective Identity

In this month's coin of the month, recent graduate Jameson Minto talks about how the coinage of the Achaean League conrtibuted to different types of identity in the Hellenistic world. Read more here.

From divinity to the Duce: the many meanings of the Julian Star

Read about the use of the Julian star under Mussolini in August's coin of the month, written by Daisy Ashton.

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