Postgraduate students' current research topics
- Lucy Felmingham-Cockburn, Xenophon's Peri Hippikes. Supervisor: Prof. Michael Scott.
- Imogen Clark. The disabled body and the poetics of illness in Martial. M4C, jointly supervised by Prof. Victoria Rimell with Prof. Helen Lovatt, University of Nottingham
- Alessio Ranno, Pindar's Corinth: Tradition, Poetics, Reception [Supervisors: Prof. David Fearn & Prof. Enrico Medda (Pisa), co-tutelle with Pisa]
- Jacqui Butler, Images of female mythological sacrificial characters and the role of the feminine in Roman art [Supervisor: Prof. Zahra Newby]
- Danchen Zhang, The wind imagery in Sophoclean tragedy [Supervisors: Dr Emmanuela Bakola and Prof. David Fearn]
- Nathalia Kristensen: The coinage from Palmyra as an investigative tool: monetisation processes and economic patterns in Roman Syria. Supervisor: Prof. Kevin Butcher.
- Sue Walker, Coinage and sacred spaces at the late Iron Age and Roman Sanctuary at Uley [Supervisor: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper]
- Richard Allard-Meldrum, The Imperial Women of the Third Century, 235-285 CE [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan and Prof. Alison Cooley]
- Campbell Orchard, The Imperial Coins from the Mint of Tarsus [Supervisors: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper and Dr Andreas Kropp (Nottingham)]
- Abby Wall, The role of natural imagery in representing people and places on Roman coinage (3rd century BCE to 3rd century CE) [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan and Prof. Zahra Newby]
- Shekinah Vera-Cruz, Working Wonders: Ritual and form in early and classical Roman civil law (5th century BCE to 3rd century CE) [Supervisor: Prof. Alison Cooley]
- Elena Claudi, The Representation of Otherness in the Imagines of Philostratus [Supervisors: Prof. Zahra Newby and Dr Elena Giusti]
- Isabella Liggi Asperoni, Aventicum/Avenches, the Capital City Civitas Helvetiorum: study of the coin fnds from the public and private buildings (insulae and beyond) [Supervisors: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper and Prof Michel Fuchs (Lausanne), cotutelle with Lausanne]
- Jurriaan Gouw, Understanding Power and Post-Truth Politics in the Age of Nerva and Trajan [Supervisors: Prof. Alison Cooley & Dr. Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham)]
- Ludovico Bevilacqua, Epigraphic Collections and the Roman Antiquarian Market in 18th-Century Italy: The Role of Scipione Maffei (1675-1755) [Supervisors: Prof. Alison Cooley & Prof. Lorenzo Cavelli, cotutelle with Venezia Ca Foscari]
- Victoria Vening-Richards, Eastern Provincial Coinage of the Flavian Imperial Women [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan & Dr Andreas Kropp (Nottingham)]
Claudio Azzarito, The Logic of Diagnosis: Understanding and Predicting Diseases in the Medical School of Padua (1500-1600 ca.), supervised by Prof. Caroline Petit
- Carlos Enríquez de Salamanca. Empire and the Dynamics of Local Identity in Roman Baetica, 50 BC - AD 212, supervised by Prof. Alison Cooley and Dr. Clare Rowan.
- Chris Parr, Cultural Memories in Rome’s Fora, supervised by Prof. Alison Cooley and Prof. Diana Spencer (Birmingham)
Zhian Zhang. Wounds in Sophoclean tragedy and ancient Greek imaginationSupervised by Dr Emmanuela Bakola and Dr Oliver Thomas (Nottingham)
- Rose Su, Materialising the Afterlife: Studying the Roman Thoughts of the Afterlife Through the Mythological Depictions on the Roman Sarcophagi [Supervisor: Prof. Zahra Newby]
MA by Research
- Katie Hyatt, The 'Meta-Meretrix': Ironic Femininity in Roman New Comedy [Supervisor: Prof. Victoria Rimell]
Taught MA
- Gabriella Davy-Ampudia (Ancient Visual and Material Culture)
- Louise Domogal (Ancient Visual and Material Culture)
- Cameron Heagney (Ancient Visual and Material Culture)
- Robert Low (Ancient Literature and Thought)
- Joah Rosing (Ancient Literature and Thought)
- Xiaowei Yu (Visiting Student)
Recent Publications by our postgraduates:
- Simone Mucci, “Józef Struś (Josephus Struthius) translator of Galen. The case of De antidotis”, Arts et Savoirs [Online], 15 | 2021, Online since 25 June 2021, URL:
- C. Mann, 'The significance of the military representationof Caracalla upon the coinage of his sole reign (212-217 CE)', Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia vol 28 (2017): 54-65.
D. Wilding et al. Tokens, Writing and (Ac)counting: A Conversation with Denise Schmandt-Besserat and Bill Maurer. Exchanges: the Warwick Research Journal, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 1-14, oct. 2017. ISSN 2053-9665.