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Postgraduate students' current research topics


  • Lucy Felmingham-Cockburn, Xenophon's Peri Hippikes. Supervisor: Prof. Michael Scott.
  • Imogen Clark. The disabled body and the poetics of illness in Martial. M4C, jointly supervised by Prof. Victoria Rimell with Prof. Helen Lovatt, University of Nottingham
  • Jacqui Butler, Images of female mythological sacrificial characters and the role of the feminine in Roman art [Supervisor: Prof. Zahra Newby]
  • Sue Walker, Coinage and sacred spaces at the late Iron Age and Roman Sanctuary at Uley [Supervisor: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper]
  • Richard Allard-Meldrum, The Imperial Women of the Third Century, 235-285 CE [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan and Prof. Alison Cooley]
  • Campbell Orchard, The Imperial Coins from the Mint of Tarsus [Supervisors: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper and Dr Andreas Kropp (Nottingham)]
  • Abby Wall, The role of natural imagery in representing people and places on Roman coinage (3rd century BCE to 3rd century CE) [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan and Prof. Zahra Newby]
  • Shekinah Vera-Cruz, Working Wonders: Ritual and form in early and classical Roman civil law (5th century BCE to 3rd century CE) [Supervisor: Prof. Alison Cooley]
  • Elena Claudi, The Representation of Otherness in the Imagines of Philostratus [Supervisors: Prof. Zahra Newby and Dr Elena Giusti]
  • Isabella Liggi Asperoni, Aventicum/Avenches, the Capital City Civitas Helvetiorum: study of the coin fnds from the public and private buildings (insulae and beyond) [Supervisors: Prof. Suzanne Frey-Kupper and Prof Michel Fuchs (Lausanne), cotutelle with Lausanne]
  • Jurriaan Gouw, Understanding Power and Post-Truth Politics in the Age of Nerva and Trajan [Supervisors: Prof. Alison Cooley & Dr. Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham)]
  • Ludovico Bevilacqua, Epigraphic Collections and the Roman Antiquarian Market in 18th-Century Italy: The Role of Scipione Maffei (1675-1755) [Supervisors: Prof. Alison Cooley & Prof. Lorenzo Cavelli, cotutelle with Venezia Ca Foscari]
  • Victoria Vening-Richards, Eastern Provincial Coinage of the Flavian Imperial Women [Supervisors: Dr Clare Rowan & Dr Andreas Kropp (Nottingham)]


  • Claudio Azzarito, The Logic of Diagnosis: Understanding and Predicting Diseases in the Medical School of Padua (1500-1600 ca.), supervised by Prof. Caroline Petit
  • Carlos Enríquez de Salamanca. Empire and the Dynamics of Local Identity in Roman Baetica, 50 BC - AD 212, supervised by Prof. Alison Cooley and Dr. Clare Rowan.
  • Chris Parr, Cultural Memories in Rome’s Fora, supervised by Prof. Alison Cooley and Prof. Diana Spencer (Birmingham)
  • Zhian Zhang. Wounds in Sophoclean tragedy and ancient Greek imagination
    Supervised by Dr Emmanuela Bakola and Dr Oliver Thomas (Nottingham)
  • Rose Su, Materialising the Afterlife: Studying the Roman Thoughts of the Afterlife Through the Mythological Depictions on the Roman Sarcophagi [Supervisor: Prof. Zahra Newby]

MA by Research

  • Katie Hyatt, The 'Meta-Meretrix': Ironic Femininity in Roman New Comedy [Supervisor: Prof. Victoria Rimell]

Taught MA

  • Gabriella Davy-Ampudia (Ancient Visual and Material Culture)
  • Robert Low (Ancient Literature and Thought)
  • Joah Rosing (Ancient Literature and Thought)
  • Noah Fenwick (Material and Visual Culture and Ancient Rome)
  • Alfie West (Ancient Visual and Material Culture)
  • Daniel Tomlinson (Ancient Visual and Material Culture)



Recent Publications by our postgraduates: