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Ancient Worlds Study Day Schedule



Provisional Timetable

*Morning Session: Key Stage 2-3 (8-14 years olds) – 30 minute talks

*PLEASE NOTE the morning session KS2-3 Myths and Storytelling (8-14 year olds) 9.45-11.45am is almost full so places will be allocated on a first come first served basis

Myths and Story Telling

9.45-10am Arrival

10am – Welcome from Prof Michael Scott
10.05-10.35 Caroline Lawrence Myths, Movies and Storytelling

What do Paddington and Aeneas have in common? More than you might imagine! In a fun illustrated talk, million-selling author

Caroline Lawrence shares how poets, storytellers and moviemakers use the same fun steps when composing their epics.

10.35-11.05 Alexandra Sheppard ‘21st Century Gods’

Together we will explore the role of mythology in ancient Greece, then as a group, we will imagine a new set of gods relevant to

our modern world.

11.05-11.15 Break – Biscuits/Juice/Tea/Coffee

11.15-11.45 Emily Hauser ‘Rewriting Ancient Greek Myths in Fiction’

How do we go about remaking ancient Greek myths for a modern audience? And how can storytelling open up new perspectives

on the ancient Greek myths we thought we knew so well?

11.45-12.30 Lunch*

*Drinks and snacks will be available for anyone attending the whole day

Afternoon Session: Arrival of Older Students (Key Stage 4-5 – 14-18 year olds) – 40 minute talks

The Stories We Tell about Ancient Worlds

12.30-1.10 Natalie Haynes – Troy Story
1.15-1.55pm Prof Eric Csapo ‘Stories about Achilles' birth and death’

1.55-2.15 Break – Biscuits/Juice/Tea/Coffee

2.15-2.55 Prof Alison Cooley ‘The Stones of Pompeii tell tales’
3.00-3.40 Prof Victoria Rimell and Dr David Fearn: ‘Four Classical Poems: The Wow of Narrative’

3.40-3.50 Break - Biscuits/Juice/Tea/Coffee

3.50-4.30 Prof Michael Scott ‘Heracles – he does get around’

Copies of our authors' books will be available to purchase during the day