Online links
General sites
Archaeology Data Service: searchable database of archaeological data provided by Arts and Humanities Data Service.
Council for British Archaeology homepage: Information hub for current archaeological activity in Britain, including details of excavation opportunities in the UK and abroad.
FastiOnlineLink opens in a new window: A searchable database of archaeological excavations since the year 2000 created by AIAC (International Association for Classical Archaeology). Data on excavations in the Mediterranean including articles published in The Journal of Fasti Online.
Into Archaeology: American-based resource page for professionals and amateurs. Includes articles grouped by themes and some very helpful links to other archaeological sites.
The BBC?s Archaeology page: Introductions to various archaeological practices and techniques, articles on specific research projects, activities and links to further sites of interest
Council for British Archaeology: UK Archaeology Opportunities, Volunteering.
Sites relevant to lectures
The Silchester Town Life Project: Reading-based project involving the re-excavation of an insula in the Roman town of Silchester. Lots of information about the archaeological process as well as the site itself.
Sphakia Survey: Internet Edition: Project tracking the development of human use of a landscape in south-west Crete from the prehistoric period to 1900. Site includes full bibliography of the project, with links to several articles available online.
GIS and Remote Sensing for Archaeology, Burgundy, France: American-led project in Burgundy, with several pages explaining the basics of GIS and remote sensing techniques (aerial photography, satellite photography and thermal imaging).
GIS Guide to Good Practice: Practical handbook on designing and using Geographical Information Systems, including introduction to the basic concepts of GIS.
UNESCO document on underwater sites in the Mediterranean: Underwater sites.
Ancient Ports: on Anicent ports
Prima Porta Garden Project: Project based at Uppsala University, Sweden, to investigate the gardens of this villa belonging to Livia, wife of Augustus, in the suburbs of Rome.
FACEM: Provenance Studies on Pottery from the Central Mediterranean, Database and lots of useful articles of highest scholarly standard
The Beazley Archive: Database of Attic black and red figure painted pottery
Potsherd: Atlas of Roman Pottery: Searchable database of Roman pottery types, including illustrations and distribution maps of major pottery types.
Roman amphorae: Archaeological data service, a digital resource on Roman amphorae
Sites relevant to seminars
The Wroxeter Hinterland Project: Birmingham-based research project into the landscape around Wroxeter, including geophysical survey of the city itself.
The Corinth Computer Project: Official web-page for an ongoing research project investigating the city and surrounding landscape of Corinth using survey and computer-based techniques. Includes detailed description of the project and links to online articles.
3D reconstruction of the Library of Celsus, Ephesus: Set of pictures of a 3D computer rendering of the library.
Library of Celsus at Ephesus: Brief introduction to the library with bibliography (mainly in German) and many images.
Anglo-American Project in Pompeii Includes sections on preserving newly-excavated structures in Pompeii
Soprintendenza Archaeologica di Pompei: Not as amazing a site as it could be, but does includes some details of restoration work in progress on a wall-painting from Pompeii and wooden objects from Herculaneum.
Looting of the Baghdad National Archaeological Museum: again, you can find many pages about this event by using any internet search engine. A selection of useful articles and discussions, however, includes: British Museum response, History News Network article & discussion and UNESCO press briefing
Sites relevant to visits
Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry: Coventry Museum web-site. Includes introduction to Lunt Roman fort.
Warwickshire Museum web-site: Introduction to Warwickshire Museum and its collections.
Sites relevant to internship on archaeological excavations
Archaeology abroad: Digging abroad
Grampus heritage project: Digging abroad, paid by Erasmus Scheme
Archaeology about: Archaeology Digs in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Current Archaeology: Fieldwork opportunities by Current Archaeology.
Cadw Funded Archaeological Digs/Projects: Archaeological excavations in Wales.
see also Fastionline
Ancient theatres (English titles only)
Excellent list with pictures also here (with non-English titles as well)