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Art & Architecture of Archaic and Classical Greece: Syllabus

Statue statue
Lectures & Seminars:

Term 1

Week One: Introduction - outline of course, students discuss their project;
Historical periods, cultural markers, geography, Experiencing Art in the Greek World
Week Two: Art and Death in the Iron Age
Week Three: The Orientalising Phenomenon in 8th Century Greece
The Coming of the Archaic Period
Week Four: Seminar: Small Votive Offerings, Lecture: Religion & Art in Archaic Period
Week Five: Temple and Sanctuaries of early Greece
Week Six: No lecture, Reading Week
Week Seven: Sculpture and Statuettes of the Archaic Period
Week Eight: Seminar: Understanding Painted Pottery, Lecture: The Household & the Sanctuary
Week Nine: Pottery – East Greek to Athenian
Week Ten: The Coming of the Classical Period

Term 2:

Week One: No lecture, essay hand backs - a sheet will be put on my office door for you to sign up for a time. Office number - H 235

Week Two: The Athenian Acropolis

Week Three: Classical Sculpture in Greece

Week Four: Seminar: Displaying the Dead: Funerary art in the Classical period

Week Five: The Body and Sexuality in Classical Art

Week Six: No lecture, Reading Week

Week Seven: Classical Painted Pottery

Week Eight: Seminar: Coinage in the Ancient Greek World

Week Nine: Temples in Classical Greece

Week Ten: Art in the Domestic Space

Term 3:

Week One: The Coming of Alexander

Week Two: Seminar: Visual Mediums

Week Three: Trip to Ashmolean Museum

Week Four: Revision Lecture