Public Engagement in Classics 2022 - Blogs
What are the key audiences for Classics, and Why?
The examples on this page are some of the blogs submitted for assessment in the 2022 Public Engagement in Classics Module, under the general question of ‘What are the Key audiences for Classics and Why?’
The North – A Lost Cause, or Untapped Potential? by Tahlia Greenhalgh
When it comes to Public Engagement in Classics, there are a multitude of audiences that can be engaged in many different ways....

What are the Key audiences for Classics and Why? by Alex Marsh
Key audiences are hard to define for any subject or media, but even more so we have this challenge with the study and the impact of classics....
Engaging Modern Audiences with the Ancient World, by Leigh Mencarini
My first encounter with Classics was thanks to my mum. She told me about Medusa while twisting pipe-cleaners into her hair for a Hallowe’en party. I was six...

Thinking Audience: Highlighting Class in Classics and the Classroom, by Elizabeth Hayes
Have you ever felt lost in the crowd? There’s no place like university to feel like just another student...