An A-Z of Roman Coventry: T-Z
Warwick lane
In 1896 William Gutteridge tessellated pavement near Warwick Lane – Coventry Herald 6th March 1868
Willenhall, Eastern Bypass site – pottery and building material – villa?
SE towards Baginton 1988
A scatter of Roman pottery and building material was found during fieldwalking and a ditch was excavated. Roman building materials were also found on the site.
1> On border with Warwickshire. Fieldwalking identified localized surface scatter of Romano_British pottery with settlement evidence, immediately south of Willenhall Wood, approx 1.6km east of Romano-British settlement at Baginton and 1.6km NW of cropmark site at Brandon Grounds. Site excavated by Coventry Museum Archaeology
Unit aided by volunteers. Excavation was hindered by excessive rains causing problems with clayey soil and disturbance by machinery. Sinuous ditch c1-2m
broad and up to 1m deep examined. At least 2 phases of activity were identified of probable 2nd or 3rd century date. In addition to substantial amount of pottery (coarse wares, samian, mortaria, fine wares), quantitiy of building materials (daub, tegulae, brick or tile, including "TC" tile) were recovered.
Further work in area has not yet located source of this material but fieldwalking will continue through winter.