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Christopher Yiannitsaros

I am a full time PhD candidate in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies. My AHRC funded project, which examines the use of the Gothic in the fiction of Agatha Christie, is being supervised by Dr. Emma Francis. I joined the University of Warwick in October 2011, having completed an MA in English Literature (2009; Distinction) and a BA in English Literature (2008; First Class Honours) both from the University of Westminster. During the interim between my Masters and Doctoral study, I was employed in the arts sector: as a writer and research officer for a North London art gallery.

My primary research interest is in women's 'middlebrow' fiction of the early-mid twentieth century and the ways in which this particular kind of fiction intersects with the older literary tradtion of the Gothic. More broadly, I have research interests in, and have published on topics that include, Gothic literature (including film and television) from mid-nineteenth century through to the present day, literary constructions of gender and sexuality, the imporatance of front cover design and how this influences/changes the 'meaning' of the text, and the interrelations between narrative and ethics in contemporary British and American fiction.

I am a regular attendee of the Postgraduate Gothic Literature Reading Group and also attend the interdiciplinary Victorian Cultures Reading Group (hosted by the Department of Art History). In February 2012, I both facilitated and set the texts for the Victorian Cultures Reading Group’s third session: ‘Victorians and the Future’. I am also a member of the Postgraduate SSLC and this year I was involved in organising the department's annual Postgraduate Symposium, which took place in June 2012.

In the 2012-13 academic year I am teaching on the undergraduate module 1ENL123 Modern World Literatures.


For more information on research, conferences I have presented and/or attended and publications please see the appropriate sub pages.

Christopher Yiannitsaros

Christopher Yiannitsaros

C dot Yiannitsaros at warwick dot ac dot uk