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Edward Said Memorial Lectures

2023: Adam Hanieh, 'A Contrapuntal Reading of the Anthropocene: Knowledge Production and Absences in the History of World Oil'

2022: David Palumbo-Liu, "Human, and Other Rights"

2021: Brenna Bhandar, "Cultivating the Soil: Use, Improvement, and the Colonial Conditions of Our Present"

2020: Lecture cancelled due to Covid-19

2019: Harry Harootunian, '"In the zone of occult instability": Some reflections on unevenness, discordant temporalities, and the logic of history'

2018: Michael Denning, '"A Noisy Heaven and a Syncopated Earth": The Transcolonial Reverberations of Vernacular Phonograph Music'

2017: Rafeef Ziadah

2016: Karima Bennoune

2015: Ilan Pappe

2014: Joe Cleary

2013: Samir Amin

2012: Benita Parry, 'What's Left in Postcolonial Studies?'

2011: Mourid Barghouti

2009: Eyal Weizman, 'Spatial Politics in Israel and Palestine'

2008: Declan Kiberd, 'Edward Said and the Everyday'

2007: Gilbert Achcar, 'Orientalism in Reverse: Post 1979 Trends in French Orientalism'

2006: Ahdaf Soueif, 'The Heart of the Matter: Palestine in the World Today'

2005: Tariq Ali, 'Palestine & The Western Liberal Conscience'

2004: Tim Brennan, 'The Politics of Belief'