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Religion and Violence in Early Modern France

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Location: The Shakespeare Institute , Stratford

Religion and Violence in Early Modern France:

     the work of Natalie Zemon Davis

 The Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-AvonSaturday 28 June 2008 This interdisciplinary workshop will hear from Natalie Zemon Davis about the development of her ideas on the interplay between religion and violence in early modern French communities. Speakers will reflect on how the study of French social and cultural history has been influenced by the books and articles of Prof. Davis, and discuss their own work on violence and religion in early modern France. SpeakersProf Natalie Zemon Davis (Toronto) Dr Sara Beam (Victoria), Prof Philip Benedict (Geneva),Prof Stuart Carroll (York), Prof Denis Crouzet (Paris-Sorbonne),Prof Mark Greengrass (Sheffield), Prof Mack Holt (George Mason),Dr Penny Roberts (Warwick) 
Round Table
 Dr Robert Johnson (Bath), Dr Naomi McAreavey (Dublin) Booking: The cost of registration for this event is £30 (full) or £15 (student/unwaged). Please make cheques payable to ‘University of Birmingham’. Return with contact details to Graeme Murdock, Department of Modern History, School of Historical Studies, University of Birmingham, B152TT, UK.

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