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Graduate Research Forum

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In this section

  • Graduate Research Forum

Graduate Research Forum

Thursdays 5-7 pm, R3.25 (Ramphal Building) Autumn & Spring term

The Graduate Research Forum meets weekly during the Autumn and Spring Terms. Attendance is REQUIRED for all research students in their first year of study. Students in other years of study may also attend the Graduate Research Forum, and many do so – especially when the topic to be considered relates directly to their own field of interest, or offers advice on skills and training that may be relevant.

The purpose of the GRF is to assist research students in the design and implementation of their research, aiming toward the successful confirmation of their PhD status before the end of the first year, and to provide guidance and advice on skills and strategies needed to develop their thesis work toward completion and dissemination (including publication).

Part 1 of the GRF offers four sessions on initial research design, and will prepare students for the requirements of the upgrade process – the preparation of a research outline, a draft chapter, a bibliography, and a research schedule.

In Part 2, senior faculty members in History will illustrate the evolution of research through their own experience with a specific project. Four presentations will be made, followed by discussion, and these will cover a broad range of historical topics. Students may be asked to read specific texts in preparation for these sessions.

Part 3 of the GRF, commencing in the Spring Term, comprises three sessions at which First Year research students will make short presentations on the design of their own thesis projects. Supervisors, other members of staff and PGT students may be invited to attend these sessions, and will participate in the discussion.

In Part 4 of the GRF four sessions are offered which relate to the later stages of the research process, dealing with dissemination, publication, and further research funding. Students in an advanced stage of thesis research and MA students will join us for these sessions, and may participate in the presentations. The session on publication will be led by a History editor from a leading publishing house.

In addition to the formal GRF programme, supplementary sessions may be organised that will bring together the larger body of our research community (including Teaching Fellows, Post-docs, and staff) on issues of career development. These will be notified to all research students by the Postgraduate Coordinator.

Term 1 Programme 2020/2021

Week 1 Induction

Week 2 The Upgrade and project design

Week 3 ‘PhD Survival Guide’ (CADRE event) NB Wed 20th October 11-12.30

Week 4 Bibliographies, library resources and Warwick’s Modern Records Centre – with Charlotte Berry, Archives Manager for the MRC, and Liz Wood, Assistant Archivist. The session will cover what the MRC holds but also, more broadly, how to find and use materials in archives.

Week 5 Evidence: archives and oral testimony - with Rosie Doyle from the Warwick Oral History Network Here is an article that you might be interested in - if you are planning to use oral history in your research do please read in advance of the session. For the importance of orality in early modern history see Arnold Hunt, 'Recovering Speech Acts'

Week 6 ---------- Reading Week - No GRF session

Week 7 Public Engagement - a joint, online session with Birmingham university and with Angela McShane (formerly of V&A and Head of Research Development, Wellcome Trust). NB this session will be held online.

Week 8 Digital Humanities - with Steve Ranford.

Week 9 Research Journeys: Naomi Pullin. 'Research Journeys' are open, rolling ‘interviews’ in which a colleague talks about the genesis of their projects, their intellectual journey, and also the practicalities of doing the work, their career, its challenges at various stages, as well as answering questions from you too.

Week 10 Postdoctoral Projects and Applications - a joint session with existing postdocs, facilitated by Mark Philp

Term 2 tbc

Week 1 Research Journey 2:

Week 2: Student Presentations -

Week 3: Student Presentations -

Week 4: Student Presentations -

Week 5: Student Presentations -

Week 6 ***Reading Week***

Week 7: Getting Your Research Published

Week 8: Personal and Political Challenges of Research

Week 9: Careers Beyond Academia

Week 10: Interdisciplinarity, led by Celia Lury (CIM) and Oihane Etayo

Term 3:

week 1

week 2

NB CADRE events:



Welfare and Support

PhD Activities and Information

Upgrade Examination

Your Thesis and Viva Voce

Personal Development

Help Beyond the Department

Student Voice

Careers and Life beyond PhD