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Research Seminars

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  • Research Seminars

  • Research Seminar Attendance

Research Seminars

This year we have streamlined all departmental seminars into a single series, on Wednesdays from 4:30-6 pm. You can view upcoming seminars here.

Each of our Research Centres will invite speakers for these but you are strongly encouraged to attend as many as possible, even if they do not immediately seem relevant to your research specialism. The seminars will form an important part of the department's community-building process under covid and provide a unique occasion when staff and students come together to listen to and further research agendas. In addition, the individual research centres will offer their own range of activities: workshops, reading groups and conferences. The expectation is that you will attend these for the Centre or Centres closest to your own field, but please feel free to join any event that interests you. Most of these events will need to be held online this year.

Seminars and Reading Groups

Research Seminar Attendance

The Department hosts a lively research culture. Departmental seminars are ongoing and you will get the most out of your degree course if you attend them regularly. It is also a great way to interact informally with staff and students across the Department.

You are required to attend certain research seminars according to your course, as per this handbook's guidance on attendance.

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