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Modules and CATS

As an undergraduate student, you will be required to complete 120 credits in each year of your course. Most modules are worth either 30 or 15 credits each. Most UK universities refer to credits as CATS (Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme), and so a 30 credit module will often be referred to as a 30 CATS module; a 15 credit module is usually referred to as a 15 CATS module. Generally, 30 CATS modules will run in terms 1, 2 and 3, while 15 CATS modules will run in either term 1 or term 2.

All of our UG and PG modules are available here:


Module Allocation and Registration Process

It is essential that all students correctly follow the module process. Students MUST submit a module nomination form. Failure to follow the process correctly will result in students being allocated to modules late and have a more limited choice of options. Students who register for modules via eVision without department permission will be removed. Full details of the module selection and allocation process can be found here:


Module Nomination

It is essential all students familiarise themselves with the Degree Course Syllabi. This will inform you what modules you must take as core requirements of your degree, as well as how many optional modules you may choose.

Students MUST submit a module nomination form. Full details of the module selection and allocation process can be found here:

The History department strives to allocate students to their preferred choices of option modules. However, for some modules there will be greater demand than capacity, and some students may then be allocated to their second or third choices.

Students that fail to submit their module nominations by the relevant deadline are required to choose from the remaining module spaces after all other students have been allocated their module places. This will inevitably be a very limited choice, and so students are strongly encouraged to ensure that they submit their module nominations in good time.

The list of option modules will change from year to year depending on a variety of factors including staff availability, and a list of available modules will be announced prior to the module nomination process opening. Students are advised to wait until the list of available modules is announced before deliberating over which modules to nominate as their preferred choices. Please note that the modules listed in that announcement are those that the department intends to run, based on the latest information regarding staff availability, but that teaching staff availability can change (e.g., retirements, parental leave, or ill health), which may require the withdrawal of modules at a later point. If that is the case, students will be notified accordingly.

The department reviews all module nomination forms received by the deadline using a random computerised generator that allocates as many students as possible to their first-choice modules. The department will ensure all students who require History modules as part of their degree (e.g. History joint honours students) are allocated places first before we review applications from students wishing to study History as an outside option. The History department process is a random selection and is NOT run on a first come first served or grade-based assessment. If you are a joint degree student, you must check how your other department runs module selection.


Changing Modules

If you wish to change your modules after they have been allocated, you must fill in the Module Swap webform. If we can accommodate your request, we will contact you via email with a confirmation of your approved modules. If you have put in a module swap request and there is no space on your chosen module, you will be put on a waiting list. If spaces become available, we will notify you via email; however, please be aware this could be at any point up to the start of term. Please only register on eVision for the modules you have been approved to take by the department.

After approval, you will need to register your new module manually via the eVision system. Students may have to wait up to 24 hours before changes to their modules are reflected in Tabula, after which you will be able to sign up to a seminar

Please note that modules have limited spaces, so any changes cannot be guaranteed by the department.


Outside Options

Students must gain approval for outside options by contacting the relevant Year Director of their home department. For students seeking the approval of an outside option to replace a History or CAS option module, approval will usually be given for first and intermediate year students if the outside option fulfils the following criteria:

  • The module is 15 or 30 CATS
  • The module is the same level as your year of study – for example, second-year students can only take second-year modules
  • A language module (unless the student is already taking another language module)
    • Second year students can take beginners accelerated language modules.
    • Final year students can take a second-year language module to continue a language started in their second year.
  • The module is from one of the following departments:
    • Any of the Arts Faculty departments (
    • Philosophy, Politics and International Studies, or Sociology
    • An IATL interdisciplinary module

Other outside options that do not fulfil one of these criteria may be considered on a case by case basis, but the student requesting permission will need to provide the Year Director with a rationale as to why the outside option is appropriate for the course they are studying.

Finalists must seek approval for any outside option from the Director of the Final Year and requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

Students wishing to take an outside option must follow the procedure outlined below:

  • Apply for History modules as normal via the selection forms.
  • Gain approval from the relevant Year Director for the outside option they wish to take.
  • Use the module swap form after module allocation to request a swap on to their outside option.
  • Register their approved modules via eVision once module registration opens.

Please note that students taking an outside option must follow the deadlines, processes, procedures and methods of assessment of the department responsible for teaching the module.



The day after you have registered your modules on eVision, you will be able to access your timetable through your Tabula profile. You will be able to see the day, time and location of your lectures and seminars that you are required to attend.

The University does not finalise its central timetable until late summer/early September. The History department will not be able to give you information in advance when lectures or seminars for specific modules are timetabled.

Please note some of your classes (e.g. some seminars, tutorial and lab classes) may not be arranged through the University’s Central Timetabling Office. They are organised locally by the department concerned. This means that they will not appear in your personalised timetable. You will need to contact the department that is running the module in order to find out when these sessions are running or to sign up to a seminar group. The department tries to be flexible with seminar groups, but ultimately we reserve the right to move students to other groups when necessary (e.g. if a particular group is under or oversubscribed)

If you have any issues with your timetable, for example, if you think there is something missing or you have a clash, please contact