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Imagen Award 2015 for Best Documentary in Los Angeles

A PBS documentary that Dr J E Smyth of the Warwick University History Department both worked on and appeared in with Hector Galan has won the Imagen Award 2015 for best documentary in Los Angeles.

The Imagen Awards aims to recognize and reward positive portrayals of Latinos in all forms of media, as well as to encourage and recognize the achievements of Latinos in the entertainment and communications industries. The Imagen Foundation works to create, promote, and enhance opportunities for all Latinos in front of and behind the camera and throughout the entertainment industry, and serve as a liaison between the industry and the Latino community by providing access, education and resources.

The Imagen Foundation


Mon 24 Aug 2015, 15:52 | Tags: Media, Award

PhD Student Hannah Graves awarded 2015 HOTCUS Postgraduate Essay Prize

The Department would like to congratulate PhD candidate Hannah Graves, who has been awarded the prestigious 2015 HOTCUS Postgraduate Essay Prize for her essay “The Value of an Endorsement: Reassessing Hollywood’s ‘Race Year’ Through the Debate over Pinky (1949)”.


Tue 11 Aug 2015, 16:35 | Tags: Award Postgraduate Announcement

John Morgan awarded Marion Madison Young Scholar's Prize

Congratulations are due to PhD student John Morgan, who has been awarded the Marion Madison Young Scholar's Prize for an essay on 'counterfeit Egyptians' he wrote whilst studying for his MA.


Wed 11 Feb 2015, 14:03 | Tags: Award Research Postgraduate Announcement

Award to Malik Hammad Ahmad for the project on Peace Education

For the third time ILÊWASI has made an award to Malik Hammad Ahmad, PhD student in the History Department at the University of Warwick, for the project on Peace Education. From 13 July to 17 July 2015 The Summer School on the Rights of Children and Peace Education will be held at The Youth Institute, Benicassim, Spain. For further details of the Summer School and how to apply, please click here.

Sat 17 Jan 2015, 13:05 | Tags: Award, Postgraduate

Dr Anna Hájková wins the Herbert Steiner Prize

Anna Hajkova 
The dissertation of Dr Anna Hájková, Prisoner Society in the Terezín Ghetto, 1941-1945, has won the Herbert Steiner Prize, awarded for the best unpublished academic work in history of National socialism, resistance and persecution, or the history of the workers’ movement.



Fri 07 Nov 2014, 15:22 | Tags: Award

Dr Camillia Cowling wins the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA) Roberto Reis Book Prize and is nominated for the Frederick Douglass Book Prize


Dr Camillia Cowling is one of two winners of the 2014 Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA) Roberto Reis Book Prize for her book, Conceiving Freedom: Women of Color, Gender, and the Abolition of Slavery in Havana and Rio de Janeiro (North Carolina Press, 2013). This prize is awarded annually for the two best books in Brazilian Studies published in English that contribute significantly to promoting an understanding of Brazil.

The book, Conceiving Freedom: Women of Color, Gender, and the Abolition of Slavery in Havana and Rio de Janeiro, is also one of three finalists for the prestigious Frederick Douglass Book Prize which is awarded for the most outstanding nonfiction book published in English on the subject of slavery and/or abolition and antislavery movements. The Douglass Prize Jury and Review Committee will meet in the fall to select a winner, which will be announced publicly at that time.

Please also see the list of all academic publications by the academic staff of the Warwick University History Department.

Fri 25 Jul 2014, 11:39 | Tags: Award Publication

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